Latest fromMinistry of Education

Labour pledges to undo funding cuts
Phil Goff says Labour will reinstate the $400m funding cuts that he claims have pushed early childhood education fees up.

$1.5b leaky-schools nightmare keeps Tolley awake
The cost of fixing the leaky-school problem has risen to around $1.5bn - but Anne Tolley admits she doesn't know where the money will come from.

Minister backs Grammar headmaster's NCEA rebellion
Education Minister Anne Tolley is backing Auckland Grammar's headmaster - despite his NCEA rebellion.

'Constructive' meeting over school's NCEA decision
Auckland Grammar met with officials today following the school's decision to offer Cambridge examinations instead of the national NCEA qualification this year.

School to justify Cambridge exam preference
Ministry of Education officials and Auckland Grammar will today discuss the school's decision to offer Cambridge examinations instead of the national qualification, NCEA, this year.

Parental lessons may miss most in need
Thousands of New Zealand parents are going back to school to learn how to be better parents - but experts still do not know if the multiple programmes are reaching the parents who most need them.

Top school's revolt against NCEA
Auckland Grammar is defying the Government by becoming the first state school to dump NCEA at the Year 11 level. Other schools may follow suit if the move goes smoothly.

Fight to save historic Hawkes Bay school
Owners and management of Te Aute College have taken the rare step of seeking a Commissioner to help save the historic Hawke's Bay school from extinction after 156 years as a stalwart of Maori education in New Zealand.

Torched primary school to reopen on time
The Ministry of Education has stepped in make sure an Auckland primary school, torched by arsonists on Friday, can reopen on time.

How long should baby be in care?
Unprecedented numbers of small babies are in the care of unqualified home-based carers.

Borrowing soars as deficit tops $15 billion
English confident of return to surplus, but spending limits will have to stay.