Latest fromMinistry of Education

Parents being forced to pay up
Almost half of New Zealand preschools are charging parents for what is supposed to be a free government-funded service, according to a Herald on Sunday investigation.

Conned by 'free' childcare promise
A Herald on Sunday investigation has found nearly half of all early childhood providers surveyed supplement their 20 hours Early Childhood Education with extra "optional charges".

Teachers' voices suffering
Thousands of Kiwi teachers are at risk of developing serious voice problems because of high noise levels and poor acoustics in classrooms.

Test flaws flatter students' abilities
The Ministry of Education is reviewing a key test for school pupils amid concerns that it is producing unusually high results.

Call centres swamped with inquiries
Call centres set up to deal with teachers' payroll problems have taken more than 800 calls after the first pay round of the school year, with hundreds of problems reported.

Parents fear bus changes put children's lives at risk
Angry parents in a small coastal town claim changes to a school bus route will put children's lives at risk.

$6000 bill for student's English help
The Korean parents of a Year 7 student are being billed more than $6000 by an Auckland school for helping to improve his knowledge of English.

PM defends Parata's performance
Prime Minister John Key mounted a strong defence of Education Minister Hekia Parata today in a speech during annual Ratana celebrations.

Teachers' sin a school secret
A teacher at a Christian school has admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a student - one of 11 teachers found guilty of serious misconduct last year.

Leap-frog minister in a class of her own
Several months ago, Education Minister Hekia Parata called a meeting in her office to discuss the vexed issue of Christchurch school restructuring. Post Primary Teachers' Association president Robin Duff was among those invited to the evening meeting.

$1m bill for unused Novopay consulting
The Government has spent more than $1 million on consultants as part of the switch over to Novopay, but ignored the results, Labour says.

Peter O'Connor: Prepare for war as teachers make a stand for education
2013 will see an escalation of an ideological war over the heart and soul of schooling in this country, writes Peter O'Connor.