Sasha Borissenko: Truancy and the law – crisis or smokescreen?
OPINION: The focus should be on addressing the chronically absent rate.
OPINION: The focus should be on addressing the chronically absent rate.
Documents reveal ‘widespread non-compliance’ over asbestos in schools.
Education Ministry briefing shows it expects to add 61 new zones by 2025.
Nicola Willis says the cost is small compared to the $6b they're expecting to save.
Ombudsman rebukes Auckland’s St Peter’s College and Christchurch’s Cashmere High.
School-leaver data is considered more robust – has the slide in education continued?
The rollout of the new maths curriculum for schools will begin next year.
The Associate Education Minister suggested many stakeholders 'don't want competition'.
Parents not happy at board plans to make preschool in upmarket suburb ‘more inclusive’.
State school refused to take this bullied student. Now she's studying cutting edge tech.
The school is defending a 'no toilet during class' rule.
OPINION: We're all implicated in the Abuse in Care inquiry report. So what will we do now?
'You've got potentially 400 kids sitting on the side of the road next year.'
The ministry is taking a 'proactive interest' in the school’s response to complaints.
The Education Ministry’s change decisions included the cutting of about 600 jobs.
Three NZ high schools are defying Ministry of Education orders to enrol expelled students. Video / NZ Herald
In today’s headlines with Chereè Kinnear high schools defy ministry orders, Darlene Tana’s future in Parliament and why more Kiwi couples are opting to elope.
The Education Ministry instructed three schools to enrol excluded students. They refused.
Emails fuel English teachers’ fears about the likely content of rewritten curriculum.
$153m was put aside in the Budget for their re-establishment with some opening in 2025.
The 'progress monitoring' checks will focus on reading, writing and maths.
They were intended to last 20 years. But Govt cuts mean they'll have to last even longer.
Winners of highest value of construction projects in 2023: BCI Central names top 10 in NZ.
Govt is defending shifting balance of tertiary education costs from providers to students.
The ministry has made a series of decisions that cut more than 700 roles to save money.
OPINION: 'The NZEI always talks absolute rubbish, so they should be ignored.'
Thousands of roles have been cut, or are on the line, across the public sector.
OPINION: For many children, school meals are the only meals they can look forward to.
The ministry's digital division will cut about 146 positions.
A total of 755 roles are proposed to be slashed.