Banned for being Māori: Surviving student reflects on being removed 81 years ago
Tears were shed as the 'horrified' current principal apologised for historic wrongdoing.
Tears were shed as the 'horrified' current principal apologised for historic wrongdoing.
Another study provides new evidence on the "age-old question".
Two kuia affected by the decision will be there to hear the apology.
Schools in the Auckland region have had the fastest growth in student rolls in 17 years.
The building budget at Christchurch Girls High School has blown out by 50 percent.
Damage at the old Shirley Boys High School is estimated at 3 million dollars.
But parents will still try to get their kids into preferred school - expert.
Critics say the process is being rushed and will all but eliminate school choice.
Nearly half the approved applications were for help with children's mental wellbeing.
Opinion: Adult education community classes return manifold on the investment.
The spending will be on top of existing funding.
Hundreds of academic jobs at risk if NZ border stays closed.
Students learn in the old staffroom, offices and library as school outgrows space.
Teachers get $8.7m for counselling now and $7m more for other initiatives later.
Banning foreign students may cost hundreds of teachers' jobs.
Education reporter Simon Collins examines the parties' policies on education.
Review into allegations of institutional, structural racism at Waikato Uni still underway.
Pupils thought the CCTV was filming them in the bathroom.
Anxious Auckland parents are still wary about sending kids back to school.
Parents told in email on Wednesday that Stuart MacAlpine had said yes to another job.
"Many of us are really struggling," says Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua.
Hipkins says Mt Roskill Evangelical Fellowship cluster has been a challenge to work with.
The senior pupil turned up to classes on Friday before going home sick.
Catholic school sparks legal row by taking sides on cannabis and euthanasia.
Do you know what the three levels of government in NZ are? Test yourself here.
New sex education guidelines say students can determine their gender identity and names.
Epsom Girls Grammar School said the warning was not prompted by any specific incident.
Parents not sending children to schools in Northland after mixed messages around Covid.
Students staying at home: 'They are choosing life over education.'
More school students are wearing masks despite official advice that they're not needed.