National: $4.8b for school buildings, looser zoning controls
National signals a looser approach to school zoning and would fund roll growth.
National signals a looser approach to school zoning and would fund roll growth.
Some parents and teachers are concerned about the decision to go back.
A St Cuthbert's sports team is being tested after playing against a MAGS team.
Ministry of Education is working with Race Relations Commissioner to set new guidelines.
Dr Michael Baker wants wider mask use than public transport, but not all experts agree.
Another high school pupil tested positive on Thursday but classes are back Monday.
James Shaw has been warned by own party to pull support for a wealthy private school.
Schools say jobless families can't wait till next year for free lunches.
Some schools are staggering times or asking parents to wear masks.
Schools say Auckland students deserve four extra NCEA credits due to regional lockdown.
Schools warned not to publish children's full names in online newsletters.
Two reports ask what schools and parents can learn from the last lockdown,
Auckland NCEA students say they need extra tutorials and credit opportunities.
Tangiwai Wilson died suddenly at her home in Hamilton early on Tuesday morning.
Only a handful of children are back at school as Auckland parents remain anxious.
Government is spending another $5.5m on computers for school students.
Auckland principals believe sending year 12 and 13 students to school is unnecessary.
Principals will be given option of allowing Year 12 and 13 students back to school early.
About 70,000 students still don't have computers for online learning.
Report recommends 'a lot more' specialist reading teachers.
Some parents are determined to be more relaxed about home learning this time.
There are seven new cases of Covid-19 today. All are in the community and there are no cases in managed isolation. Six cases are linked to the Auckland cluster and one case is being investigated. Video / Chris Tarpey
School that had NZ's second-biggest Covid cluster reaches out to help others.
The identity of the two infected Auckland workplaces remains secret.
The child has been tested but the results have not come back yet.
Funding for Pacific-language education have been diverted to Covid recovery.
Faith-based integrated schools, not private schools, are strongest in the NZ Parliament.
The school confirmed it was not correct protocol to send him home on the bus.
The fund received a $1.5m boost to its budget, increasing its annual funding to $3.41m.
Police are making inquiries into the fight outside a Matamata chapel today.