Big Read: Inside the Hit & Run inquiry and what it will find
The Hit & Run inquiry will be uncomfortable for all, David Fisher reports.
The Hit & Run inquiry will be uncomfortable for all, David Fisher reports.
Military veterans will again benefit from the RSA's annual Poppy Appeal.
Defence Force chief says his decision to leave is not linked to Operation Burnham
COMMENT: NZDF admitting allegations in book were true is significant moment in the saga.
National is accusing Defence Minister Ron Mark of misusing his position.
The Defence Force is being sued over its alleged failure to act on a rapist in its ranks.
A victim of an Air Force rapist says ranking officers knew about his crimes.
COMMENT: Divert some defence money to fighting stink bugs, argues Brian Rudman.
Operationally sensitive equipment was stolen from Whenuapai Air Force base in 2016.
Corporal Richard Graham had little support on return from 'hostile' deployment.
New SAS machines replace ageing fleet that suffered badly in Afghanistan.
New Minister of Defence Ron Mark has a problem with the medals he's been wearing.
Wellington is picking up the pieces a year on from the central NZ quake.
A Royal NZ Air Force Orion has lost power in one engine but has landed safely.
Ron Mark has asked for briefing on the issues raised in the controversial book Hit & Run.
"I'm hanging out to get into Iraq as fast as we can."
A NZDF Orion aircraft has been sent to help in the search for three men
Govt decision not to hold inquiry into Afghan death claims "unlawful": victims' lawyers.
"No one wants military confrontation," Bill English says of the increasing tension.
Brazil's alternative to the Hercules will be shown to Defence VIPs.
US has requested that NZ increase its personnel in Afghanistan from 10 to 12.
Mark Mitchell was a fast-riser in the National government and now wants to lead the party.
Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee won't say whether NZ will back intervention in Nth Korea.
It is, in a classic example of American hyperbole, called the "mother of all bombs".
An attack three days before the 1st round of the presidential election raises questions.
COMMENT: We all deserve to know the truth about the 2010 SAS raids, writes Brian Rudman.
COMMENT: If he'd seen disturbing footage, surely he'd be duty bound to call an inquiry.
COMMENT: Why investigate a dog's death, but not that of a child, asks Rachel Smalley
An internal military review shines spotlight on problems in another big Defence outing.