Climate change: Quick tips on how you can make a difference
You can make several in-home changes to make a real difference to climate change.
You can make several in-home changes to make a real difference to climate change.
Auckland Council is planning to open 12 recycling centres by 2024.
Former National Cabinet Minister says previous Govt's consultation with iwi was flawed.
Eugenie Sage said a well-designed scheme would minimise an increase in costs to consumers
Harbourside homeowners say councils should do more to help people defend their properties
Top scientist says NZ's GE laws are "old and tired", amid calls for national discussion.
One month on from the plastic bag ban, we reveal how many businesses flouted the ban.
The Government has unveiled plans for revisions to the Resource Management Act.
Minister in town to visit transfer station.
Single-use plastic shopping bags banned in New Zealand from today onwards.
The Government wants ideas that will be up and running by 2020
Mystery shopper-style audits will to carried out to catch retailers breaking the law.
Environmentalists want plan change "called in" - Horizons chairman opposed to it.
COMMENT: The whole climate debate has become farcical.
The Government has launched an investigation into the Otago Regional Council.
David Parker has some issues over filling in the Waitematā Harbour with more concrete.
Councils say Govt's planned Development Authority is no substitute for reforming RMA.
A circular economy could solve NZ's waste woes and free up billions, a top thinker says.
A year ago Kaiaua was devastated by a monster storm.
Statistics show Kiwis are one of the worst recyclers in the world, says Marty Hoffart.
Disease-causing bacteria and antibiotic-resistant E. coli detected in Canterbury rivers.
Environment Ministry comes down hard on plastic pollution.
Car parks could be removed to widen Queen St for pedestrians, bikes and e-scooters.
Many farmers want to cut their greenhouse gas emissions - but nearly half don't know how.
No retailers will be excluded from a ban on all single-use plastic bags.
Scheme for uncontaminated water at Ōhakea takes another step forward
James Shaw, attending a climate summit in Poland, discusses NZ's agenda with the Herald.
Emissions from our woodburners and exhausts still the biggest threats to NZ's air quality.
Looking for clarity in the murk of a polluted lake. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
COMMENT: Govt is taking a more controlling approach to engagement with the treaty partner.