Latest fromMinistry for Primary Industries

Snapper cuts on table
Recreational fishers face big cuts to the number of snapper fish they can catch in one of New Zealand's most popular fishing areas.

China meat exports to restart
An agreement has been reached in Beijing to ensure New Zealand meat exports to China can resume on a normal basis.

Wairarapa homes, roads flooded under irrigation plans
Farms, homes and roads would be totally submerged in a massive dam lake under proposed irrigation plans for Wairarapa.

Editorial: Enough talk - action needed on water issues
Editorial: Two recent events ought to have injected some urgency into the quest for cleaner, fairer and better use of New Zealand's most valuable resource, water.

Passenger's two crates of mangoes
An attempt by an airline passenger to bring two crates of fresh mangoes into NZ could have had dire consequences if the fruit reached our orchards, says border security.

Snake found at Manukau scrap yard
A snake which made its way into New Zealand from Vanuatu has been intercepted at a Manukau scrap yard.

Kiwi imports tip the scales
Kiwi fish are causing a stink overseas. At the heart of the scandal is the snoek - thyrsites atun - known here as barracouta. South Africa's City Press newspaper reported Kiwi barracouta was being sold in that country as snoek.

Detained ship 'crawling with beetles'
An Australian ship detained at Wellington's port this week was found to be "crawling with beetles" that had the potential to harm local insect species.