Call for fishery closures over risk to hoiho
New study prompts group's call for fisheries closures to save iconic yellow-eyed penguin.
New study prompts group's call for fisheries closures to save iconic yellow-eyed penguin.
Movement controls in place on St Lukes property to contain myrtle rust infection.
A fungal plant disease has been found in Auckland for the first time.
Rabbit numbers on the Moeraki Peninsula have exploded, reaching "plague" proportions.
The cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis has been found on another farm in the South Island.
Shellfish toxins on the North Island's west coast have risen significantly, officials say.
A batch of Beecorner lemon honey has been recalled because it may contain sharp metal.
She was shocked to hear Mainland knew about the problem.
Listeria levels breached food safety standards in 15.5 per cent of meat samples.
A Wellington teen was rushed to hospital after eating a mispackaged Hellers sausage.
4000 cattle to be culled on 5 properties infected with Mycoplasma bovis.
The goats had a range of illnesses including one which had exposed tendons, says the MPI.
Human faecal contamination thought to be culprit of September outbreak.
Scientists say "game-changing" evidence shows the risk of fishing bycatch to NZ sea lions.
A native wasp has been named after an atoning Harry Potter villain to help its reputation.
Not so fast, Ministry of Primary Industries warns amateur gardeners over banned seeds..
Some trans-Tasman travellers are avoiding a border check at Auckland in a trial.
Two men have been fined for taking toheroa from 90 Mile Beach.
New lineages of kiwifruit-killing disease Psa could emerge in the future, researcher says.
People concerned after consuming the affected milk are urged to contact a doctor.
NZ has been left with no task force dedicated to stopping wildlife smuggling.
Where do political parties stand on conservation, biosecurity and genetic engineering?
A third South Island farm is suspected to have the cattle disease mycoplasma bovis.
An East Coast study could make a lucrative, climate-friendly case for more native forest.
Why are power companies exempted from Labour's water tax?
How much will farmers really pay if Labour brings in a water tax?
Claims cabbages will cost $18 under Labour are "obviously ridiculous", the party says.
Closure may be the only option as one in five kauri now infected with deadly pathogen.
It will take two or three months of testing before the farms are declared disease free
Kiwifruit growers say Psa ruined lives and the Government needs to take responsibility.