Latest fromMining
<i>John Roughan:</i> Heroism was beyond hope
Heroism probably involves an instant calculation of known risk against likely benefit.
Pike River: 'Simple plan' beset by problems
The riches of the Paparoa Range were enticing, but the cost of extracting them was greater than anyone imagined, writes Grant Bradley
Pike River: Hard veneer helps police get the tough jobs done
Superintendent Gary Knowles has been at the helm of the Pike River disaster, unable to provide answers to the questions the world wanted answered. Next, delivering news no one wanted to hear.
Pike River: Man of the moment for miners
The face of the country's worst mining disaster since 1914, Pike River CEO Peter Whittall, has fronted in the most trying of circumstances.
Pike River: Third blast rocks Pike mine
Families of the dead men due to be bused to the Pike River mine tomorrow will still go, despite a third explosion at the mine this afternoon.
Pike River: Third blast at mine - police
There has been a third explosion at the Pike River mine this afternoon. The blast occurred at 3.39pm and lasted for 23 seconds.
Pike River chairman: Company insured for $100m
As the West Coast struggles with the emotional cost of the Pike River tragedy, chairman John Dow has reassured the community there is still a future for the mine and the company.
Pike River: Third robot reveals violent blast
A third robot that has gone 1575m into the Pike River coal mine has detected debris and destruction indicating Wednesday's blast was much more violent than the first one.
Pike River: Church services for the miners
Check times of church services for the miners, and tell us about services in your area.
Several days before recovery operation can start - Knowles
It is likely to be several more days before operations will start to stabilise the Pike River mine so that the bodies of 29 men can recovered, police say.
Pike River: Aust union head backs GAG unit
The GAG unit flown for the Pike River coal mine recovery effort is 'no gimmick' and has been used successfully in Queensland mines, the head of an Australian miners' union says.
Pike River: A particularly terrible grief
A small West Coast community will now face the task of recovering and rebuilding following a disaster of devastating proportions.
Pike River: World rescue experts shocked at scale of tragedy
International experts say they are shocked a mining disaster the magnitude of the Pike River tragedy occurred in a modern mine.
Experts on potential techniques to stabilise Pike River
Liquid nitrogen could be used to stabilise the situation in the Pike River mine, experts told the Science Media Centre.
Pike River rescuers united in desire to recover bodies
Mines Rescue workers who wanted to save 29 men trapped underground in the Pike River coal mine remain united in their desire to get their brothers back, their leader says.
Pike River: 'GAG unit' flown in to West Coast
A large jet engine which stabilises gases may be used to quench the fire in the Pike River coal mine so that rescuers can safely recover the bodies of 29 men inside.
Pike River: A nation in sorrow opens its heart
NZ is a nation in mourning as memorial services are held, condolence books arranged, and candles lit throughout the country.
Pike River: Grieving father's plea
He has to accept he has lost a son. But Marty Palmer won't give up until his son's body is back with the family so they can mourn properly.
Pike River: ACC working to ease money fears
The ACC will ensure money is the least of the worries for the families of the Pike River 29, says ACC Minister Nick Smith.