Latest fromMilford
New heroes tell of saving crash kids
A new tale of courage has emerged in the aftermath of a fiery accident which claimed the life of a 4-year-old boy.
Private buyers bag commercial assets
Savvy investors snap up well-located properties, writes Colin Taylor
Tsunami fears over as alert downgraded
The official warning over a tsunami that threatened the entire east coast of New Zealand today has been downgraded to an advisory, but there is still a threat from ocean surges.
Tsunami warning downgraded, but surges may still hit
Civil Defence authorities have downgraded the tsunami warning for New Zealand. However, New Zealand authorities are warning that there could be surges for up to 24 hours.
Tsunami threat: Warning stays in place for entire east coast
New Zealand east coastal areas aren't out of the woods yet, with Civil Defence authorities and scientists electing keep the tsunami warning in place.
Marathon effort raises $73,000 for charity
An Auckland man has raised $73,000 for the Leukemia and Blood Foundation after running almost 360km in seven consecutive days.
Aucklander to run seven of NZ's 'Great Walks'
Mal Law intends running the equivalent of almost nine marathons in seven days for charity.
Bashing victim forgives her attackers
Student set upon with metal bars while walking home last year says she hopes her attackers learn a lesson in jail.
Four accused of North Shore attacks guilty
Four young men accused of a violent rampage on the North Shore last year plead guilty to all charges.