Wait-times of 8 hours for mental health help at A&E: Report
The number of people facing long waits for urgent mental health care has risen sharply.
The number of people facing long waits for urgent mental health care has risen sharply.
Wishlist for the Government's budget spend in the crime and justice sector
When his wife locked her phone and started paying for things in cash, Seth became worried.
Education is at the heart of what the Māori community wants in this year's Budget.
Prime Minister asks suicide-bereaved parents for feedback on next week's Wellbeing Budget.
Petition calling for legal aid for suicide-bereaved families to go through inquests.
Should we be exposing vulnerable people to emotional trauma for TV entertainment?
People who wear hoodies, with head down texting and ears plugged into music, are a danger.
"There were huge red flags that should have signalled that I needed help."
There are big hopes for the Government's mental health inquiry response and the Budget.
The WWE star and Playboy model was answering fan mail - 24 hours later she was dead.
YouTuber Tati Westbrook has spoken out about her highly public spat with James Charles.
Two male inpatients at the unit died in suspected suicides this week.
Psychologist and GoT fan Sara Chatwin has advice for fans sad to see the end.
The school has been closed for the day.
Waitemata DHB has announced an independent review.
Grieving family takes battle with Waikato DHB over son's death to Prime Minister.
Police across the US are investigating claims that 'Kiwi' sex offender is a serial killer.
Around 600 people were smoking meth in the town of 6000, say police.
Liberal schools see NCEA change as "step backwards", but Auckland Grammar is happy.
Emails between Corrections staff reveal their thoughts on Macfarlane's tikanga course.
Tributes continue for actor Pua Magasiva who died suddenly this weekend.
The incredible story of Brian Welch's journey to recovery.
The royals have helped to launch a text messaging helpline, dubbed Shout.
Specialist "cells" of transnational organised crime syndicates have entered New Zealand.
Emilia Clarke has opened up about her self-confidence.
When Nevoh Benau was eight, a close friend's death left her anxious and unable to sleep.
Aggression and delays in learning problems for kids exposed to drug in early years.
An expert reveals how you can recognise these personality types and how to deal with them.