Latest fromMental Health

Self-help books may have opposite effect
In 2005, Micki McGee, a lecturer in sociology at Fordham University, New York, published Self-Help, Inc: Makeover Culture in American Life.

Human remains thought to be from Nazi euthanasia project
Austria announced plans to exhume graves containing the remains of 220 suspected victims of Nazi Germany's infamous euthanasia programme yesterday.

Beat the back-to-work blues
The holiday is over and that sinking feeling has set in - it's back to work, back to reality.

Social worker ordered to pay patient $100k
A social worker, who took about $55,000 worth of cash and gifts from a mentally ill patient, has been ordered to pay her $100,000 in damages.

The secrets of long life
The quest may no longer be for the elixir of immortality but with an ageing population there is increased awareness of what it takes to live long and well, writes Dionne Christian.

Study challenges genetic link to anti-social behaviour
An Otago University study has challenged the idea that depression and anti-social behaviour are primarily influenced by genes.

MP's husband admits money saga
The husband of Maori Party MP Rahui Katene says he resigned as the head of the Mental Health Commission in 2008 after using commission money for personal spending.

Health groups slammed over locking up of alcoholic
A watchdog has slammed three organisations over the locking up of a alcoholic, 43, in a resthome for more than a year without proper legal authority.

Humiliated staffer paid thousands by mental health trust
A BOP trust for people with mental illness must pay $13k plus a year's earnings to a woman unfairly sacked while on stress leave.

Man guilty of murdering neighbour
Wayne John Reid had been accused of killing Beryl Campbell in her west Auckland unit in 2008.

Feeling groovy
Pounding away on the treadmill at the gym and nibbling on lettuce leaves is not the secret to feeling fab for summer, says nutrition specialist Dr Libby Weaver.