Bullying to become a crime in Aust
An amendment to stalking laws is expected to be introduced in the Victorian state Parliament tomorrow.
An amendment to stalking laws is expected to be introduced in the Victorian state Parliament tomorrow.
Gill South tries a meditation retreat but finds it hard to keep to the code of silence.
TV psychologist Nigel Latta is under fire for his use of the word mental.
With so many ways of storing data, are we forgetting how to remember? Not according to US writer Joshua Foer, who reveals new and remarkable strategies for memorising. By Robin McKie.
If you can be sure of one thing, then surely it is that you exist. Even if the world were a dream or a hallucination, it would still need you to be dreaming or hallucinating it.
Scientist says that exercise is the key to mental fitness.
Workers caught up in last month's Christchurch earthquake may be eligible for emotional trauma compensation from ACC even if they weren't physically hurt.
Police have relented and allowed bail for a young man with autism who became "the face of looting" in the days after the February 22 quake.
The 45-year-old actor unveiled the etching on his wrist during his début hour-long radio show Sheen's Korner, in which he also denied claims he suffers from bi-polar disorder, proclaiming himself instead to be "bi-winning".
The co-owners of the health clinic flattened in the collapse of the CTV building were receiving counselling yesterday and expressed their sympathy for the families of missing staff.
A 23-year-old student has been in an almost mute, catatonic state since he was found with child abuse images on his computer.
Paying overnight staff to sleep will cost more than $500 million over three years and changing the law may be considered, Health Minister Tony Ryall says.
Oregon's state mental hospital is trying to match surviving relatives with 3,500 people whose cremated remains were once stacked away in a storage area dubbed the "room of forgotten souls."
Gill South sits down with leadership coach Sally Anderson to have herself pushed in the right direction.
A study of the benefits of relationships has confirmed a truth that many have long held to be self evident: marriage is good for you.
Margarita Politis is a glamorous 42-year-old woman who once appeared in a magazine with celebrity psychic Kelvin Cruickshank, excited they were having a baby.
A judge this afternoon ruled that name suppression should continue for a 28-year-old woman accused of murdering her newborn baby.
The festive season glow is fading as the reality of the year ahead sets in. Lisa Bradley reports on how to keep the return-to-work blues at bay and deal with the challenges ahead.