Latest fromMental Health

Video tour: Massive waterslide
The first images of the world's biggest waterslide being built near Auckland have been released.

Blog: Honour your own health and energy levels
Hands up who has a new year’s resolution to exercise more, weigh less and reduce stress?

Eating fruit and veg will make you happier
Just three servings of fruit and vegetables a day can transform your outlook on life, a new study suggests.

NZ gets world's biggest waterslide
Construction has begun on the world's biggest waterslide - a 650m drop down a hillside west of Auckland.

Addiction leads to longer life
People who suffer from addiction problems and ADHD are more likely to live to 100 and longer, new research suggests.

Long walk for alternative treatment
Walking the entire length of Ninety Mile Beach and over some of Northland's major hills is a massive undertaking, but that's just the start of Annie Chapman's epic trek from Cape Reinga to Bluff.

Blog: 10 principles of happiness
Can you boil down happiness to a formula? Of course not. Happiness is absolutely individual. As I work with people on their own personal happiness strategies, however, there are super clear themes that come through.

Blog: The 2012 reflection question
Goals schmoals. If I see another " New year, new yoooooooooooooou!!!" article I shall surely scream, strangled by the cliche. And yet, therein lies the rub. Cliches become cliches for a reason, do they not? No smoke without fire and all that jazz.

Mental disorders in for shake up
Children's tantrums, hoarding and skin picking - psychiatrists will soon be looking at these and more in a new light when their official what's what of mental disorders gets a makeover in May.

Work skills build confidence
The Mana Recovery Trust has spent the past 16 years helping people with mental health disabilities to develop the skills to work and live in the community.

Blog: How not to get your knickers in a knot this Xmas
It seems every magazine I look at this month is full of helpful "How to plan a stress-free Christmas in 27 easy steps!" articles.

Boost your brain with nature
Time spent away from electronic gadgets can stimulate creative abilities study finds.

Blog: The gift of words
"You would be fantastic at that!" I heard one woman say to another in a cafe last weekend. "You think well on your feet, you are super-organised and you have fantastic presentation skills; it could be the perfect job."

The truth about sex addiction
It affects women as well as men, and it starts young. Joanna Moorhead on a secret that's ruining more and more lives.

Louise Thompson: Checking life's temperature
There is an anecdote about boiling a frog that I kind of like. It’s from the 1800s when experiments of this type were much in vogue.

Sexual abuse helpline needs help
"You can call us any time," Maxine Brayshaw told a woman who rang Auckland's sexual abuse helpline at the weekend. Then she had to correct herself.

Blog: Are you living your purpose?
I was ill the other week, in bed feeling sorry for myself surrounded by a sea of tissues. It was the day the cleaners come and I just couldn’t drag myself out of bed so they had to clean around me.