Satisfaction is made up of many parts
New Zealanders have become less discriminatory, are better prepared for disasters, and are more conscious of environmental issues such as recycling, a new survey shows.
New Zealanders have become less discriminatory, are better prepared for disasters, and are more conscious of environmental issues such as recycling, a new survey shows.
Most Kiwis say they live a contented life despite barely half of them saying they have enough or more than enough money to pay the bills.
In my experience people tend to seriously over estimate what can be achieved in the short term, and under estimate what can be achieved in the long term.
A London hoarder had a lucky escape when her ceiling collapsed under the weight of 20 tonnes of rubbish.
An anorexic girl’s obsession with food and calorie counting could be linked to autism, more commonly seen in boys, according to a new study.
Hot chocolate can help older people keep their brains healthy, research has shown.
While performing hot yoga isn't harmful if done properly, it does not make the body work harder than any other type of yoga.
A car crash led to years of living with a powerful phobia, writes Sharon Stephenson.
Asking each other for help could be the key to a better New Zealand, says Jimi Hunt, founder of depression charity Live More Awesome.
Hangovers don't just induce nausea, a thumping headache and a dry mouth, they make you stupid too, according to new research.
Health experts say that knowing your body's clock can help you synchronise your daily activities for optimal health.
Looking back last week at the whole of our lives from the perspective of our older selves is valuable as it connects us to our spiritual fuel and our values.
I really hope Kate Middleton doesn't suffer from post-natal depression, writes Deborah Hill Cone.
Funding for talk therapy is drying up just as increasing numbers of Kiwis are feeling comfortable talking about their problems.
Young Australian men are in crisis, with half feeling stressed and nearly one in 10 having thoughts about suicide, according to new research.
When we are creating a conscious programme of change and self-development in our lives it's helpful to look from two different perspectives.
A Waikato wellness retreat that has nurtured hundreds of earthquake-frazzled Christchurch residents back to health for free may have to close its doors.
I hope your vision for what you want for yourself is coming together! Over the coming weeks we are going to refine it and start subtly evolving it from dreams into goals.
When people have expressed concern about me climbing Kilimanjaro, going hot-air ballooning or even running marathons, my response has been the same.
Research has shown that with certain mental exercises you can learn to see that the glass of life is half full.
An Auckland man accused of killing his flatmate was legally insane at the time, according to two psychiatric reports.
Want to know something interesting? A spooky number of clients come to see me when they have a big birthday coming up.
A new generation of legal highs could be hitting shelves as early as this summer, despite a bill that puts the onus of safety on manufacturers.
Certain forms of IVF treatment are significantly associated with an increased risk of low intelligence in children, a major study has shown.
Many of us have something that brings us out in a cold sweat and makes our hair stand on end.
Love, money and a rewarding hobby are the so-called keys to happiness.