Latest fromMental Health

Blog: Are lefties smarter?

Blog: Are lefties smarter?

It’s been said that left-handed people are more vulnerable to mental diseases, live shorter lives and are more likely to experience developmental delays. But modern thinking has taken quite a different turn.

Interview:  Postnatal depression in NZ

Interview: Postnatal depression in NZ

Around 10 to 20 per cent of New Zealand women will suffer some form of postnatal depression (PND) and some dads will cop a dose too. And up to 80 per cent of women go through a thing called 'third day blues,' a totally normal, short, hormone-induced condition following childbirth. New Zealand psychiatrist and PND expert, Dr Sara Weeks, says it's time for women to stop suffering in silence and has penned a new book, Mothers Cry Too, to try and raise awareness of PND. In this video Nicky Park talks with Dr Sara about the various ways PND can manifest, how we can tell if a woman is at risk, what we can do to help and the fact that dads are at risk too.

Fear factor

Fear factor

A poignant blog shows just what an impact fear can have on women’s lives and dreams. Anna Maxted — no stranger to crippling anxiety — is prompted to ask ... What are we all so afraid of?

Ruby Wax comes clean

Ruby Wax comes clean

It was unbearably hot and steamy in the green, canvas tent where more than 200 people were crammed; every inch of sitting, standing or squatting room was taken up, with all eyes trained on a small wooden stage.