Probiotics: Autism therapy?
Probiotics can alleviate the symptoms of autism-like disorders in mice, according to a US study.
Probiotics can alleviate the symptoms of autism-like disorders in mice, according to a US study.
Doing regular exercise is the most effective single lifestyle choice people can make to reduce their risk of dementia.
The Human Rights Commission has called for the Government to consider rent-control measures following major natural disasters.
Almost three-quarters of the depressed Kiwis who have gone to Sir John Kirwan's website depression.org.nz are no longer depressed after finishing the six lessons.
Avid mobile phone users are less happy and suffer from higher anxiety, a new study shows.
It's that time of year when people are rushing to finish work projects before Christmas, putting in extra hours and feeling overstressed, overworked and plain exhausted.
Babies can 'contract' depression from their mothers while they are still in the womb, new research suggests.
Microsoft researchers have designed a smart bra which monitors a woman's mood in an attempt to prevent emotional overeating.
Research shows that while women do exhibit negative reactions to sexual imagery, this diminishes for high value products.
Have you experienced impostor syndrome? How did you choose to deal with it? Is hiding it or revealing it the best approach?
An 8-year-old boy tried to kill himself in a lunch break because school was "too hard" - and his parents are furious the school did not call 111 for an ambulance.
People who are seen as successful by outside external measures may internally feel like frauds, undeserving of their success and in danger at any moment of being exposed.
It's claimed that sleeping on a BioMag - that is, a wool layer with ceramic magnets sewn into it - can ease pain.
Regular dope smokers experience serious cognitive impairment long after they're high, an Aussie expert says.
Thousands of people may be ending up on the wrong side of the law due to an alcohol-related brain disability caused before birth, a New Zealand judge says.
The family of a man who was run over by his partner outside a Hamilton superette have thanked bystanders for their "courage and kindness'' during the ordeal.
A man who was run over by his partner outside a Hamilton superette is a gentle soul who was trying to help her through some issues, a friend says.
Why do we choose to mess around when we need to knuckle down and do what we know to be important?
We still don't know much about how labouring women experience that pivotal time when their bodies are working hard to push out their infants and deliver them into the world.
Australians are among the happiest people in the world, while Kiwis are just feeling average, according to a new study.
All the great sporting franchises, teams, sportsmen and women are constantly looking for an edge; the small percentages that add up to big gains.
An email dropped into my inbox late last week from a rugby player of recent vintage whose name would be instantly recognisable to those who follow the national game.
When John Kirwan first delivered his message of hope to those New Zealanders suffering from depression, Dafydd Sanders was enduring his "lost years".
A Far North community grappling with a cluster of youth deaths says the Government isn't doing enough to prevent youth suicide.
Weather provides a vivid language for describing our emotional atmosphere, but does it also influence it?
Concerns are being raised over the number of mental health patients placed under compulsory treatment.
Iain O'Brien was in the midst of a university project on the not-so-celebrated topic of chlamydia when he had his epiphany.