Friends launch 'Charlotte's Law' petition
The death of former model and television personality Charlotte Dawson will not put an end to cyber bullying, Prime Minister John Key says.
The death of former model and television personality Charlotte Dawson will not put an end to cyber bullying, Prime Minister John Key says.
The exercise “high” is real and research backs this up. Fitness writer Rachel Grunwell talks to a university expert on the topic.
Charlotte Dawson's funeral is expected to be held in Australia, with her sisters today planning details with the former model's best friends.
The Ministry of Education has hit back at suggestions it did not provide enough support to a school which later expelled a teenager with Asperger's.
Tanning really could be an addiction, and a sign of at least two major psychological issues, scientists have warned.
Legal action taken against a school which expelled a teenager with Asperger's should be directed against the Ministry of Education.
Under nutrition is a major problem among dementia sufferers, which can impede maintaining their health, a new report shows.
Philip Seymour Hoffman's recent death from a suspected heroin overdose unleashed the usual media coverage of deaths related to this drug.
A district health board already scrutinised for mental health service failings has been criticised by a coroner in his findings on the death of a 17-year-old.
A man searching for the stranger who stopped him ending his life has found the Good Samaritan.
Olympian Ian Thorpe has checked himself into rehab in Sydney while battling depression and alcohol abuse.
An international team of researchers has found that the cause of schizophrenia is even more complex than already believed.
Scientists have invented a device that warns people with Parkinson's disease when they are in danger of a bone-breaking fall.
No matter how old they are, men are much more forgetful than women - research reveals.
Male teenagers who perceive themselves as too thin or too fat when they're actually a perfectly healthy weight are more likely to develop depression, according to a new study.
Ever been unable to sleep because you can't switch off that stream of thoughts that seems to flow incessantly, mercilessly through your head?
On the eve of the launch of her new book, Suzanne Dale meets Louise Thompson in her kitchen where she’s very comfortable sharing recipes ... for life.
Of those who make New Year’s resolutions, only one in 12 will achieve them. So what can we do to maximise our chances of success?
Child care law changes sought by lobby group after children denied right to family life.
A doctor who quit the United States amid controversy over an alleged affair with a patient had already been working in Hamilton for a month.
We've all felt sad, anxious or down at one time or another, but where does the normal experience of emotion end and the clinical picture of a mood or anxiety disorder begin?
A doctor who gave up his medical licence in the United States while under scrutiny for alleged professional misconduct is now working in Hamilton.
The key to a successful new year resolution is to keep it achievable and simple.
Widowed people are reporting higher levels of wellbeing than married couples, while women aged 18 to 29 are the unhappiest age group, an Australian survey shows.
Scientists have pinpointed a specific part of the brain where Alzheimer's begins and traced how the disease spreads.
Unpleasant memories can be wiped out by electric shock therapy used to treat psychiatric patients, a study has shown.
Research from the University of NSW suggests an unhealthy diet can also take a toll on the memory.
This letter was written after a gin-induced rant, which included the throwing of the writer's arms into the air in despair at the fact ladies don't love themselves and their bodies enough.