What's in powdered alcohol?
Chemistry expert Nial Wheate explains the details and dangers of powdered alcohol.
Chemistry expert Nial Wheate explains the details and dangers of powdered alcohol.
PM John Key says leaving some synthetic drugs on the market was “a mistake” and Government should have banned all products until a rigorous testing regime was in place.
New Zealanders whose lives have been blighted by the dangers of legal highs are thrilled by plans to pull them from sale within a fortnight.
Be cool, writes Deborah Hill Cone. That's all I ever wanted when I was a small-town teenager sending off for my too-big winklepickers from Carnaby St and then stuffing the pointy toes with toilet paper.
Parents of young legal-high users were applauding the move to ban them last night.
When I woke up Friday morning at 6:15 and got out of bed, the world was whirling counterclockwise.
Bob McCoskrie of Family First, writing under the heading "A child's desire to change sex can be a symptom of other disorders that can be treated", clearly positions his stand, but not the issue.
Peaches Geldof's father, Sir Bob Geldof, is to lead the tributes to the late star at her funeral on Easter Monday.
The ascent of social media has produced a type of hyper-experience of mortality, Rosemary Overell writes, following the death of Peaches Geldof.
Gamblers mistakenly believe they can always beat the odds in a game of chance because they have developed a different pattern of brain activity to non-gamblers.
We think of them as killers, outside society. But, says the scientist who has spent his life studying psychopaths, you could have one for a colleague, a friend - or a spouse.
John was first referred to sexual violence services aged 12. His mother was schizophrenic and his father, a gang member with a violent history, was in prison.
A "young, talented, intelligent" woman who moved from New Zealand to Britain to pursue her promising chemistry career committed suicide.
When media report the method in which somebody ends their own life, it can result in copycat suicide, the Law Commission says.
A mother who described herself as a "hermit" until a year ago is the central figure in a grassroots nationwide protest against synthetic cannabis
Forget being a supportive wife, this week I'm nominating myself as a supportive ageing woman, writes Wendyl Nissen.
Ever felt you can't enjoy being happy in case you tempt fate? If so, you're not alone.
Last night was the 10th birthday of the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre in Grey Lynn at Galatos Bar in Auckland.
In the last 100 years there have been many diets that various people and companies have advocated – some are bizarre, some are gross and some are deadly. Here are 10 diets that you don't want to try.
Nine children - all aged under 10 - have been admitted to hospitals over the past few years for alcohol overdoses.
Clever people are more trusting than their less intelligent counterparts, researchers have claimed.
When someone takes his or her own life, their family and close friends can be left shocked at what depths of despair drove their loved one to act in this way.
Women spend 335 hours, or about two weeks each year, doing their hair and makeup, a new survey has revealed.
Tens of thousands of people have signed up to "Charlotte's Law", a petition calling on the Australian Government to introduce tougher cyber-bullying laws.
The border between sadness and depression isn't clearcut and mental health experts debate the distinctions.
Oscar-nominated actress Keisha Castle-Hughes has been praised for speaking out about her battle with mental illness after Charlotte Dawson's death.
The death of former model and television personality Charlotte Dawson will not put an end to cyber bullying, Prime Minister John Key says.
The exercise “high” is real and research backs this up. Fitness writer Rachel Grunwell talks to a university expert on the topic.
Charlotte Dawson's funeral is expected to be held in Australia, with her sisters today planning details with the former model's best friends.