Latest fromMental Health

Assaults leave nurses fearful
Mental health nurses are speaking out against brutal violence inflicted by their patients, including being punched, kicked, burnt and stabbed and choked.

Jill Goldson: How to be alone, not lonely
For many of us, the thought of being alone can trigger an anxious response - even from when we do not normally feel anxiety, writes Jill Goldson.

'Thin-shaming' Instagram trend
It seems that no matter what your size, you can come under fire - as a new Instagram trend dubbed "thin shaming" proves.

How Elle beat the muffin top
Elle Macpherson is telling an audience of women at Selfridges, London, what it feels like to struggle with a muffin top, fatigue and finding herself so irritable she shouted at the kids.

A belly ache can cause mental health issues - expert
It is well known that stress can cause a stomach ache, but the relationship works both ways, says a pediatrician.

Dale Bramley: Dope is harmless? You must be high
There may be a perception that cannabis is benign, writes Dr Dale Bramley. But staff running mental health, addiction and emergency services can tell you beyond doubt that it's otherwise.

Jill Goldson: 6 ways to be a better friend
Here are 6 top maintenance rules governing how we can be better and kinder friends to our friends.

Binge eating secrets exposed
An American artist has exposed her most private moments in a series of self-portraits that portray her eating behind closed doors.

Smoking dope affects sleep
Smoking cannabis before the age of 15 could lead to insomnia later in life, a new study has found.

Leading players seek Hape's help
Several current international rugby and league players have reached out to Shontayne Hape for advice following his shocking revelation of his concussion-enforced retirement.

Mum meets baby after cutting her throat
A mother who cut her baby's throat was reunited just months later with the child inside the psychiatric facility where she was being treated.

All Black trio help Cure Kids launch
All Blacks Dane Coles, Tony Woodcock and Sam Whitelock have helped announce a multi-million-dollar investment in research into child and teenage mental health.

Millions for kids' mental health study
An international search has begun for a researcher to delve into child and teenage mental health after Cure Kids received a multi-million-dollar private donation.

Addiction: To hell and back
With the news that researchers believe they have discovered a compound that could revolutionise the treatments of addiction, Greg Dixon asks why only some people become addicts and why society seems to view some addictions as ‘worse’ than others.

Is motherhood 'contagious'?
A study has found that women are more likely to have a baby after they discover friends from high school have become mothers.

Study: Depression as deadly as smoking
Mental health problems including anorexia and recurrent depression are as deadly as smoking, research suggests.

Google first call for upset young Kiwis
A survey has found Google now beats talking to friends for young Kiwis wanting to know about sex, drugs, alcohol, depression, stress or their health.

Charlotte's legacy set to aid charities
A luxury homeware line that Charlotte Dawson was working on before she took her life has been launched in Australia with proceeds to go to her favourite charities.

Why are we afraid of spiders?
here are clearly a lot of arachnophobes. But do they know why they fear spiders? Can they do something to control those fears?

The dangers of lack of sleep
Modern living has made us become "supremely arrogant" in the way we ignore the importance of sleep, leading scientists warn.

Taking control of your dreams with electric probes
Researchers in Germany have developed a way of enabling sleepers to control their dreams by applying electric current to the brain which prompts lucid dreams, involving a state of heightened awareness.

Inquest files show links to job woes
An author has examined the inquest files of 11,000 Kiwis between 1900 and 2000 and found a common link between those who have died by their own hands.

Why we should treat depression, anxiety and sexual dysfunction together
It may not seem likely because it's not widely discussed, but a majority of people will be affected by symptoms of depression, anxiety and sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives.

Baby brain's bonding benefits
According to psychologists, changes in the brain during pregnancy are designed to help mothers prepare for bonding.

Early menopause could spark bigger brain problems - research
Premature menopause could lead to reduced brain function later in life, research suggests.

Blog: The importance of feeling sad
Sadness is important, and allowing ourselves to acknowledge we feel sad because we have lost something is important.

Ibrahim on Dawson
Celebrity nightclub owner John Ibrahim has revealed his ongoing regrets over the death of his close friend Charlotte Dawson.