Pokemon Go improves players' mental health
As well as helping people increase their fitness by getting them to explore the world outside.
As well as helping people increase their fitness by getting them to explore the world outside.
When was the last time you sat down - with absolutely no distractions - for an extended period of time?
COMMENT: Getting better is like that old hair ad - it takes time but it will happen.
Wayne Steffensen no longer has faith in the mental health system which he believes has failed his son because of a lack of resources within the system.
OPINION: Are you just fussy about cleanliness and order, or are you suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
In a world dominated by social media, reality TV and endless Kim Kardashian selfies, Kiwis can still call themselves a humble bunch.
The male condition affecting a growing number of men with body image issues.
People who struggle with intense, overwhelming emotions are sometimes seen as "attention seeking" or "manipulative". Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald explains what may really be at play.
A new survey reveals the psychological impact of starting your day with a coffee.
A leading human rights lawyer says the door is now "wide open" for Ashley Peacock to take health authorities to court
Associate health minister Sam Lotu-Iiga has been assured Ashley Peacock is 'being cared for in the best way possible'.
Fieldays announcement gives $600,000 for mental health.
OPINION: Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald explains why a child may be displaying symptoms of anxiety and how you can help.
Parents of a 9-year-old boy have been threatened with prosecution unless they send him to a special boarding school 300km from their home.
Photos have revealed the squalid conditions in which an autistic man is being kept "like a caged animal" at a disability care unit in the Waikato.
A generation of young New Zealanders faces serious mental-health risks from an alarming rise in cyberbullying.
Jayden Cromb is expecting his first child in November. The idea of bringing a child into the world has driven the reality of cyberbullying home again.
The government minister responsible for disability issues will not intervene in the case of an autistic man held for five years in an isolated wing of a mental health unit.
No New Zealander is too disabled to belong in a family, to have a home and to be treated with dignity, yet this is exactly what is happening to Ashley Peacock.
The Human Rights Commission will bring an international expert to New Zealand to investigate the country's use of seclusion after repeatedly raising concerns.
Several decades have passed since mentally disturbed people were shut away in places worse than prisons. Or so we thought.
The lack of clarity around patient seclusion has emerged after the Herald revealed the case of autistic man Ashley Peacock, who has been keep in isolation for years.
Scientists reveal how one gender is almost twice as likely to suffer from stress compared to the other.
Opposition MPs say autistic man's case is breach of human rights and that Health Minister Jonathan Coleman must intervene.
COMMENT: He is not a criminal, so how is it, in this country, that we can sanction keeping someone in seclusion for over a half a decade?
An autistic man has been locked in a tiny, isolated area of a mental health unit for five years despite top-level warnings his treatment breaches human rights.
Ashley Peacock loves spending time outdoors with animals. But as a mental health patient, the 37-year-old is allowed outside for just 90 minutes a day. His parents thought he needed specialist care but the decision is now one they “deeply regret”.
An autism advocate has condemned the seclusion of Ashley Peacock saying "he didn't commit a murder, and you wouldn't have done that even with a murderer."
COMMENT: Getting rid of these surplus mental activities. So the following mental topics are going in the landfill to free up brainpower.