Kiwi drops 47kg to beat death sentence
At just 20 years of age Janaya Smith was told she would be dead in six months unless she changed her unhealthy lifestyle.
At just 20 years of age Janaya Smith was told she would be dead in six months unless she changed her unhealthy lifestyle.
Two investigations are under way into the suspected suicide of a mental health patient who had fled a psychiatric hospital and was missing for weeks.
Bored at work? Discovering your personality type could be the key to finding the job that's right for you.
Does the moon actually make people act crazy, or change human behaviour in any way?
EXCLUSIVE: They died at the hands of a man facing mental health struggles, and now their only daughter is calling for urgent changes to prevent further tragedies.
A severely autistic teen who has been held in prison for the past five days has been offered temporary accommodation.
A severely autistic young man is being held in prison because disabilty service providers cannot find an alternative place for him to go.
Police shooting in Thames was an unavoidable tragedy, finds Conduct Authority report.
Dame Tariana Turia has accused the Government of spending more money on locking people up than on combating poverty. The former Maori
New Zealand needs to provide much better care for the mentally ill, says a man who was rescued from a bid to take his own life.
Bundy the Barber, is taking a run at the Guinness World Record for the most haircuts given in eight hours, as part of fundraising for Movember.
Death rate consistent but still unacceptably high, judge says
A mental health advocacy group says the rise in 111 calls explains the extra training given to police communication centre staff.
A coroner has been unable to determine the cause of death of a Rotorua mental health patient - a man his mother believes "slipped
A mother who died at the hands of her son will be cremated alongside him and their ashes interred together.
The Chief Ombudsman will investigate the use of seclusion rooms in schools, following reports that locked "time out" rooms had been used to restrain children.
Angela Stone has opened up about her family's history with mental illness and her brother's disappearance.
Months before killing her only child, Evelyn Sen accused her father of sending her to NZ to be sacrificed because she was 'possessed by unclean spirits'.
Life sentence for man who kicked and stomped his friend to death.
By now, shouldn't we all be aware of what mental illness looks like? Kyle MacDonald explains why Mental Health Awareness Week, which began on Monday, is crucial.
An Onehunga woman believed 4-year-old daughter was possessed and was being tortured so fed her pills to "save" her.
A mother charged with murdering her 4-year-old daughter at their Auckland home will today face an insanity hearing.
The Prince calls for an end to the stigma surrounding mental health.
The deaths of high profile performers has prompted actors to set a world-first service especially for those in the entertainment industry.
Sports clubs could be key to keeping depression at bay for many rural Kiwis says former All Black Sir John Kirwan.
What does it mean when a person charged with murder is found not guilty by reason of insanity?
There are fresh calls for a mental health inquiry following last week's Bremner killings.
The trauma of her parents divorce left her bald. But she was determined to walk down the aisle with a full head of hair.
The Waikato DHB is reviewing its mental health care processes after Ross Bremner's murderous rampage last week.
It's Friday night and Serena, 27, has invited eight of her friends around to her Melbourne apartment for a drink.