Youth suicide: 'It's an absolute tragedy'
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman: "Nothing worse" than losing a child to suicide.
Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman: "Nothing worse" than losing a child to suicide.
Stressed? Silently talking to yourself in the third person may help your control emotions.
Bombastic President Trump's tweets show he's a creative, competitive and a rule-breaker.
Demand for treatment for eating disorders far exceeding resources available, families say.
Abuse survivor Maria has an empowering message for others. Distressing content.
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some readers.
Warning: This article is about youth suicide and may be distressing for some readers.
Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald discusses the strange yet crucial ability to have hope.
"I think we need a commitment to a reduction in suicide and a clear target for that."
To my internal disadvantage but external benefit, it keeps me trying without relent.
The LGBT+ community has high suicide rates - yet feels ignored. Distressing content.
Final part of a mother's diary about the loved son who took his life. Distressing content.
Elon Musk has tweeted about his "terrible lows and unrelenting stress".
The funding cut has left Lifeline 'devastated'. Distressing content warning.
Part five of a mother's diary about the loved son who took his life. Distressing content.
Parents are calling on the Govt to "put aside politics". Warning: Distressing content.
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some.
The deprived and young women feature predominantly in self-poisoning cases in EDs.
Part three of a mother's diary about the loved son who took his life. Distressing content.
Warning: This article is about suicide and may be distressing for some.
Boxers battle it out for suicide prevention. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Life in Western Australia's remote Aboriginal communities is driving the youth to despair.
A mother's diary about the much-loved son who took his own life. Distressing content.
Officials under fire for "not actually taking a stand" on suicide. Warning: Distressing
A mother's diary about the much-loved son who took his own life. Distressing content.
Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald discusses how to keep it together during the election.
Government cut art funds that will make their communities stronger and more prosperous.
Visual illusions show how our mental processing delivers our experience of the world.
The Prime Minister's chief science adviser has released a report on youth suicide.
The Police Association has called the surge in mental health jobs an "indictment".