Latest fromMedicine

Manuka honey hailed as weapon in superbug battle
Manuka honey, the premium product found on fashionable breakfast tables, could play a role in the battle against antibiotic-resistant superbugs, scientists reported yesterday.

Weekend work in Aussie nets NZ doctors thousands
Doctors flying to New South Wales to work weekends are earning as much as $8200.

Our own House physician
An Auckland doctor solves medical mysteries that have her colleagues stumped. Andrew Laxon asks her how she does it

New Zealand missing the boat on clinical trials
New Zealand is good at doing small, complex clinical trials. We are reasonably priced, we have robust ethics oversight and good researchers.

Three fold increase in doctors heading to Oz - recruiters
A medical recruitment company claims to have seen a 300 per cent rise in New Zealand doctors leaving to find better pay in Australia in the last year.

Diabetes drug to be withdrawn over heart risk fears
A diabetes drug alleged to be a factor in 100,000 cases of heart failure is being withdrawn from the NZ market.

Doctor shortage reaches 'crisis' level
A spiralling shortage of doctors has sparked a warning of future "severe safety issues" in New Zealand hospitals, with predictions that patients could suffer from increasing medical mistakes and treatment delays without urgent action.

'Bra man' grabbed patients
A fake doctor known as the 'bra man' groped the breasts of three female patients while treating them.

Popular painkillers 'lift stroke, heart risk'
A large study of several popular painkillers has confirmed that using them long-term carries significant risks of heart disease and stroke.

Growing anxiety over ban on herbal remedies
Hundreds of herbal medicinal products will be banned from sale in Britain next year.