MS funding promises normality
Thousands of New Zealand multiple sclerosis sufferers will gain a greater sense of normality with the funding of two revolutionary drug treatments from tomorrow.
Thousands of New Zealand multiple sclerosis sufferers will gain a greater sense of normality with the funding of two revolutionary drug treatments from tomorrow.
A repeat drink driver has travelled overseas to have an anti-booze drug implanted in his arm - and this week his lawyer will argue the radical move should keep him out of jail.
The World Health Organisation bungled efforts to halt the spread of Ebola in West Africa, an internal report revealed Friday.
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has offered support for clinical trials of medicinal marijuana being considered in New South Wales.
A British woman died in France after her doctor was reported to have been drunk and to have botched her care during childbirth.
A Christchurch hospice has been told to review its practices after a coroner found a patient in its care was administered the wrong dosage of a pain relief drug and died four hours later.
Taking paracetamol while pregnant increases the risk of behavioural problems in school-age children, according to new NZ research.
A breast cancer lobby group is urging women to read their own medical files and talk to their GP, after a doctor forgot to tell a woman she had cancer.
Louis Cheftel was born prematurely with severe to profound deafness in one ear and is likely to be the first child in the country to have a cochlear implant for single-sided deafness.
Some medications marketed to target back or period pain, or specific cold and flu symptoms, contain the same ingredients as pills sold for standard pain relief.
A leech therapist and his wife have lost their appeal against a court decision ordering them to pay back a $164,698 loan they received from a dying Australian woman.
Cerise Lawn says pregnant women must speak up when things don’t look right, after signs of distress were overlooked and her baby was left struggling with disabilities.
A boy who was born without ears has had a pair created from his own ribs.
Scientists are searching in an unlikely place for the next big breakthrough - New Zealand's postcard hot springs.
Thousands of Kiwis are ordering medicine online to save money, but experts warn doing so could be dangerous.
One baby has died and 14 others are fighting for their lives after being poisoned in NHS neonatal care units in the UK.
Personal medical records - including prescription history, laboratory results and personal details - will soon be made available online to patients and their health care professionals.
Antibiotic use needs to be curbed if there is to be a slowdown in the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, new research says.
Nearly 250 packages of medications that were investigated when they crossed the country's borders, have prompted Medsafe to warn about the dangers of ordering medicine online.
Obesity might be a risk factor for gout, but new research has suggested that being overweight doesn't make the condition any worse.
A doctor who accepted $150,000 from an eccentric dying patient has escaped sanctions by moving to Australia.
International research shows a commonly used cholesterol-lowering drug can cause the risk of serious muscle damage, but University of Otago researchers say the risk is minimal.
Professor White is at the centre of a large international research programme into an experimental drug, darapladib, which has been shown to halt the progression of the necrotic core, the gunk, in heart-artery plaques.
As Jo Griffiths lay in a coma in Wellington Hospital's intensive care unit, her teenage daughter was asked to make a call.