Test can predict if you will die of cancer
Scientists claim this simple blood test can help predict your chances of survival in the next five years.
Scientists claim this simple blood test can help predict your chances of survival in the next five years.
A pediatric intensive-care unit nurse reveals what keeps her going in a job that sees her surrounded by heartbreak and hope.
Hospitals found to have manipulated data to comply with six-hour emergency department target.
EXCLUSIVE: A group of orthopaedic surgeons has accused Waikato District Health Board managers of stopping them from making follow-up checks on patients.
Two Australian women have been left devastated after being wrongly misdiagnosed with cancer.
Some 700 lives a year are being saved in hospital emergency departments by the controversial six-hour target, new research indicates.
A surge in Kiwis using anabolic steroids will be on the agenda at the centre of a major medical meeting this week.
Vaughan Somerville spent large chunks of his childhood and youth in Starship being treated for the complications of cystic fibrosis.
Martin Johnston talks to some of Starship's patients and staff on their 25th anniversary. He met Sadie Anderson, 2, who has cystic fibrosis.
For women who suffer from painful periods, this procedure is proving a popular option to stop them for good.
A Queenstown-based doctor is on his way to change the Physician's Oath after successfully lobbying the World Medical Association.
Shelby Slagle waited 27-years for a normal heartbeat, and more than two years for the heart transplant which would save her.
Worms could hold the key to curing asthma after it was discovered that they secrete a protein which prevents the body overreacting to allergens.
Steven Schroeder is typical of most men - he put off getting a medical issue checked. But he hopes his tale will help others.
An Auckland man has survived a high-risk surgery removing almost half of his skull, freezing it, and putting it back in six months later.
It's called Squish - and it could mean all the difference in treating millions of people around the world with strawberry birthmarks and other related disfiguring conditions.
COMMENT: This week, junior doctors are on strike because of their rosters (max 72 hours a week). ONLY 72 hours a week?
A walk after a meal could help people with type-2 diabetes better manage their blood-sugar levels, new research has found.
The mother of the first person to get approval to use medicinal cannabis in New Zealand has made an emotional plea to Parliament to make it easier for others to get access to the drug legally.
A doctor used the names of six people to get prescription drugs for herself.
Medicine ads pulled off Chinese language sites after inquiries made.
Watch NZH Focus: A Kiwi face transplant surgeon has lead his team in transplanting two donor arms to a retired marine who lost all four limbs in Afghanistan.
Janet Mikkelsen is a funeral director and a trustee of the Sweet Louise charity which supports those living with incurable breast cancer.
Demanding hospital rosters are having an adverse effect on junior doctors around the country.
How many times over the years have we seen the junior doctors' union complain about the unconscionable hours they work in public hospitals?
Babies born under the care of midwives have suffered higher rates of damage than those whose mothers were looked after by doctors, according to new research.
Pharmac happy to consider application to fund erection drugs for prostate cancer patients.
The friend of a woman who died of cancer says she believes a Thai clinic that offered to prolong the woman's life fed on the desperation of the sick.
The death of a 1-year-old Nigerian baby had many authors - Boko Haram's viciousness, his own government's negligence, and starvation's relentlessness.
Spending 2 hours a week walking, gardening or playing golf may offset the deadly impact of drinking too much alcohol, research suggests.