Latest fromMedical Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

Lying nurse told schizophrenic patient her children were his
They met when she was assigned to care for him in a mental health clinic.

Male nurse who wanted to see caregiver in bikini at work guilty of sexual harassment
Now the male nurse has been found guilty of professional misconduct.

'Deliberate deception': Pharmacist ordered extra meds, then sold them online
Jayant Patel was caught when the pharmacy owner noticed extra medication and viewed CCTV.

'Disgraceful conduct': Midwife struck off for claiming $200,000 for fake services
Sanaz Khodaverdian tried to mislead auditors by altering and creating false documents.

'This is a Kangaroo court': Psychologist saw ADHD clients despite being under supervision
Gunther van der Heijden didn't turn up for the HDPT hearing.

Shirtless, barefoot physio spoke about cannabis, swore at patient
The physio also continued to treat patients even after his suspension.

'Nazi scumbag liar': Nurse's rant after person complained about anti-vax post
Denise Perkins used her role as a nurse to deter people from getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

Physio suspended for sexual misconduct on young female athlete patient
The physio indecently touched the girl on multiple occasions.

'Foolish old man': Osteopath who performed sex act on patient revealed
Joe Crozier nonconsensually penetrated a patient while her child was in the room.

Auckland doctor wrote thousands of prescriptions for ADHD drugs without approval
Tony Hanne was accused of professional misconduct over prescriptions he had written.

'Deliberate and unethical': Pharmacist stole methadone, topped up bottles with water
John Collett moved the methadone to a small bottle, then put it in his pocket.

'Repulsive': Osteopath performed sex act on patient while child sat in corner
'I now see my thinking and actions not only as wrong, but repulsive and ridiculous'.

Chiropractor suspended following 'intense' relationship with patient
Bill Donaldson was in a relationship with the patient for around two years.

Doctor prescribed 'high quantities' of addictive, controlled drugs to colleague
GP's treatment enabled doctor's drug misuse and dependence, the Medical Council said.

Midwife struck off for writing prescriptions she used herself
The midwife prescribed 480 zopiclone tablets over two years, for herself.

'Stupid decision': Anaesthetist technician lied about drink-driving conviction
'I have made mistakes but I’m not a bad person'.

GP says money for sex with patient proposition was test
The doctor 'hypothetically' asked another patient if she would have sex for money.

‘Repeated dishonesty’: Doctor forged document saying she passed exam
The doctor forged a letter saying she'd passed the surgical test, despite not showing up.

'I was desperate': Nurse posed as boss over email, wrote fake reference letter
Struck off nurse: 'When you tell one lie you have to tell another.'

Meth access cutting demand for abuse of ADHD medications - GP's lawyer
It is alleged the GP wrote ADHD medication prescriptions without specialist approval.

Doctor well-known in ADHD community faces tribunal
It is alleged Tony Hanne wrote prescriptions without specialist approval.