Campbell a 'scapegoat for bigger issue'
John Campbell and the show that bears his name are "scapegoats for a bigger issue at MediaWorks", according to one media commentator.
John Campbell and the show that bears his name are "scapegoats for a bigger issue at MediaWorks", according to one media commentator.
To answer the question of who will replace John Campbell, we need to understand who TV3 is targeting.
MediaWorks will be tempted to put Paul Henry in the 7pm slot being vacated by John Campbell.
The 24-year relationship between TV3 and high-profile host John Campbell ended yesterday.
John Campbell ended today's broadcast with thanks and confirmation that tonight's show wasn't the last.
MediaWorks has already made it clear the new show would not be just a tweaking of Campbell Live, writes John Drinnan.
John Key rejects suggestions that the two men did not get along. "Off camera we've always had a pretty healthy and respectful relationship."
Herald will be "the last to know" once a decision on the show's future has been reached, says MediaWorks chairman Rod McGeoch.
School teacher Kristie Leonard failed in her bid to win the heart of Arthur Green on The Bachelor NZ, with the show’s hunky star saying she was too “bossy” for him.
MediaWorks is now wholly owned by United States-based investment funds. Oaktree Capital was this week revealed as having increased its stake in MediaWorks - parent of TV3 - to 78 per cent. Oaktree....
After a lift in ratings, broadcaster MediaWorks has extended the review of the Campbell Live indefinitely.
We didn’t miss Campbell Live until we were faced with losing it, writes Duncan Greive.
As viewing habits change, free-to-air TV looks likely to go the way of fax machines.
Current affairs producer Briar McCormack has resigned from TVNZ and is the third senior female manager to leave the newsroom in the past few months.
MediaWorks management cut a key Campbell Live sponsorship deal, smoothing the path for the show's axing.
After a tumultuous fortnight, Campbell Live wanted to bring the entertainment tonight and opened the show to the song Let Me Entertain You by Robbie Williams.
Online rallying of Campbell Live fans shows the power of web campaigns as a democratic instrument, writes ActionStation national director Marianne Elliott.
New Zealand On Air says it was unaware that its funding of the new 3D Investigates programme would lead to TV3 cutting half an hour off 3News on Sunday nights.
Since it was announced that Campbell Live was under review, three petitions to save the show have gathered more than 95,000 signatures.
There has been much hyperbole in the reaction to a review by broadcaster MediaWorks of its evening current affairs show Campbell Live.
How political is the potential axing of Campbell Live? Certainly politicos on Twitter have been outraged about the prospect, writes Bryce Edwards.
Shortening the Sunday night news will allow current affairs show 3rd Degree to move from Wednesday, and screen at 6:30pm, say Mediaworks.
John Campbell has called in lawyer Linda Clark to fight his corner as MediaWorks confirms the company is looking for a homegrown soap to replace Campbell Live.
Does the demise of Campbell Live signal the end of serious current affairs on prime-time television? Geoff Cumming, Matt Nippert and Phil Taylor report.