Niwa to release daily forecast for Matariki
Niwa forecasts include conditions for Matariki stargazing.
Niwa forecasts include conditions for Matariki stargazing.
Matariki - Pleiades - is the most well-recorded star cluster in the night sky,
Co-founder Amy Pihema says Rerehua gives her a creative outlet to embrace her roots.
We are starting Matariki 2023 week with a look at Puanga, the star Rigel in Orion. Video / NZ Herald
Iwi on the West Coast celebrate Puanga.
'You must be amazed by the person that you’re with', says the broadcaster.
Four Māori New Zealanders tell Tracey Cooper what Matariki means to them.
Māori dancer wants to light up the skies for Matariki
A light and sound show will compliment Auckland's Matariki celebrations.
A new Matariki event aims to set the coast alight.
The Chinese community is adding a splash of colour to Matariki festivities.
It's a good time to think about what you and your whānau will be doing to celebrate.
Auckland city streets will light up for Matariki.
"We are celebrating the first Matariki Puanga event at the marae in Blomfield’s history"
Celebrity chefs Kasey and Karena Bird to create a four hour food fest
The mayor wants everyone across the Super City to celebrate Māori new year.
Matariki funding from Te Toki Voyaging Trust will be made available to Waikato groups.
Matariki celebrations have gone global.
Lewis Road Creamery says it is not cashing in on Māori new year.
Tuatahi Creatives is one of four artist hubs that will commission Matariki artwork.
The path towards the rising of Matariki has been laid at an event in Takapō
Matariki celebrations are to receive a boost from government fund.
Corrella join Waiata Anthems line-up to normalise te reo Māori.
Professor Rangi Mātāmua is a major finalist for New Zealander of the Year
Trade ministers from 11 nations will gather in Auckland on Matariki weekend.