Tamaki Makaurau Māori network aligns new awards to the stars of Matariki
Te Pae Herenga o Tamaki aligns new awards to Matariki.
Te Pae Herenga o Tamaki aligns new awards to Matariki.
"They inspire our wāhine."
Road safety advocates, community providers honour those who have died from road accidents.
'The answers [to wellbeing] are actually in our culture'
Opinion: Letters on Matariki and beach hoons, premium debate on if inflation is easing.
A woman pushing a pram was among those who had a lucky escape.
Tamariki enjoyed some Matariki-themed activities on Friday.
From a very special broadcast to shows perfect for your tamariki, here's what's on.
Fluoro-neon art celebrates Matariki in Elliott Street - an eat-street for 500 years.
The Māori in Me explores how people can reconnect to their culture.
The best time to view Matariki is the early morning, just before dawn.
Opinion: Our editorial on the rise of the Pleiades star cluster.
Xero, Auckland Airport, Fonterra, ANZ, SkyCity, Air New Zealand, Wharekauhau - big plans
Children's activities, musicians and kapa haka will be at the Arts Village on Thursday.
An early morning hīkoi to the top of Mauao is among several free events taking place.
Winds could rise to gale force late on Thursday and into Friday.
The top 20 Māori baby names have been released in time for Matariki.
Regional council refuses to front on claims of fire-linked environmental and health risks.
Find out from the experts what the roads and skies will be like over the long weekend.
Organisers predicting a larger turnout than 2022 for some events.
Here's what's on the long weekend, from food to festivals to family-friendly events.
Your full guide to all things Matariki.
Matariki is celebrated over more than just one weekend for many Northlanders.
As Matariki rises, where will you be, who will you remember, and what will you celebrate?
Matariki offers many events to light up the long weekend in Te Matau-a-Māui.
Matariki moves throughout the night as well as throughout the year, so using other constellations as markers is a great way to figure out which way to look.
Mātauranga Māori a 'constantly evolving' system of knowledge.
The first thing passengers will hear on July 14 when they land will be te reo Māori.
OPINION: Vaughan Bidois says Matariki symbolises unity as one people and one nation.
From Aotearoa to the world, broadcaster Scotty Morrison shares his travel memories.