Leon Samuels wins Golden Shears open shearing final
Results from the 62nd Golden Shears International Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
Results from the 62nd Golden Shears International Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
Results from day one of competition in Masterton.
'We are particularly pleased with the numbers of novice and junior entries.'
The Gordons have competed in the Golden Shears for decades.
Five events last weekend as hundreds hit the road heading for the 'Wimbledon of Shearing'.
Forecaster says warm weather set to return for most places next week.
The sector is facing tough economic conditions and crime.
The Manawatū rescue helicopter transported one person to hospital.
The two-vehicle crash was reported just before 2pm.
What can you expect from the weather this long weekend, New Zealand.
The incoming MP shared a beer with the man he will replace in Wairarapa.
Warnings of a tight election continue but expectations are rising.
There were so many laughs, you could almost forget the dramatic backdrop to this campaign.
The Judds Road proposed closure is causing concern for local residents.
Now she's creating a Wall of Courage.
'It only held on for a few seconds, but it was a very firm and aggressive grip.'
The item looked like an unexploded mortar bomb.
The rail crossing accident on Norfolk Road opens up a safety discussion.
The 30 year story of turning an urban wasteland into a thriving forest.
How a replica of the English Stonehenge was built in a Carterton paddock.
The road between Featherston and Martinborough is closed.
The builder says he simply didn't want to put his name on shoddy work.
Homicide charges have yet to be laid as investigations continue.
A 93-year-old film-maker, Fred Holloway, documents the people of Wairarapa.
The championships invariably spark debate over whether sheep shearing is a sport.
Inside Masterton's teen parent unit.
The man said he had to take multiple days off work to be checked by his doctor.
Nine local films set to be showcased as part of the Wairarapa Film Festival.
Three men have been charged with drug-related offences as a part of Operation Cobalt.
He assured shareholders the group is aware of competition