Latest fromMarriage equality

Gay marriage rejectors 'in denial'
The sponsor of the same-sex weddings bill says opponents were in denial about the fact that homosexuals had held equal rights in New Zealand for 27 years.

John Key on 'gay', 'Beckham' gaffes
Prime Minister John Key responds to recent criticism of his comments about gays and David Beckham.

Marriage equality increase respect - Anglican leader
Gay marriage has strengthened Canadian society, a visiting Anglican leader says.

Marriage equality could improve mental health - MHF
The mental health of gay New Zealanders may improve if same-sex marriage becomes legal.

MPs protest gay marriage
Two MPS have joined a protest against same-sex marriage that included people with placards likening gay people to animals.

Religious man fakes gay for a year
A conservative Christian lived an an 'undercover' gay man for a year, after his beliefs were challenged. So what did he discover?

Support for fired teacher
Current and former students have thrown their support in behind a Northland Catholic school teacher who was fired after he supported a gay rights protest.

Teacher fired over protest
A Northland teacher who was suspended last month after he supported a pro-gay protest at the Catholic College he taught at has lost his job.

Conservative Party lifted by gay issue
The latest Herald DigiPoll survey shows the Conservative Party has had a poll bump from Parliament's passing of the first reading of the gay marriage bill.

Marriage equality: Tweets from the front
Views and images from the ultimate destination of Wellington's marriage equality march.

Gay marriage supporters march to Parliament
Thousands of same-sex marriage supporters marched through the streets of Wellington today in support of the marriage equality bill that is being presented to Parliament this week.