Latest fromMarriage equality
Uruguay's Senate approves legalising gay marriage
Uruguay's Senate has voted to legalise gay marriage by approving a single law governing matrimony for heterosexuals and homosexuals.
Matt McCarten: Gay couples have rights, too
Why do religious people feel they have the right to tell other people how to live their lives, asks Matt McCarten.
Groups divided on marriage bill
Two groups, split down the middle by barriers and police, sang and prayed late into the night as Parliament resumed its fierce debate on legalising same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriage gaining favour in US
While opposition to same-sex marriage appears to be growing in NZ, several surveys in the United States show public opinion is surprisingly heading in the other direction.
Shock poll over gay marriage bill
Public opposition to same-sex marriage has grown significantly since a law change to legalise it came before Parliament, a HeraldDigiPoll survey shows.
Louisa Wall: The facts on my marriage bill
Following the second reading of my marriage bill last week, there has been a concentrated move from those opposed to my bill to argue that it will "enable gay adoption.
Happy to be granny with attitude
Screen siren Ellen Barkin was so passionate about the storyline of The New Normal she took time away from big Hollywood movies to appear as a regular in the US television sitcom.
Mao ad 'could offend thousands'
A banned advert depicting Chairman Mao performing the Gangnam Style dance could insult 120,000 Chinese immigrants living in Auckland, a local community leader says.
Toby Manhire: Let marriage loose from the law
A genuinely secular state has no place in the finery and stresses of the weird and often wonderful ritual of a wedding, writes Toby Manhire.
Gay bill: Another step forward for love
Same-sex marriage campaigners say the overwhelming support for the bill is a ringing endorsement which shows MPs are in line with the views of ordinary Kiwis.
Same-sex marriage debate: Chris Auchinvole speaks
Same-sex marriage inched another step closer late last night when MPs backed it overwhelmingly at the second hurdle, with only a handful of previous supporters turning against it. Labour MP Louisa Wall's bill passed its second reading 77-44, Chris Auchinvole spoke about the social shift occurring in NZ, with only 32 per cent of marriages taking place in a church.
Gay bill bolts over hurdle
Hugs, cheers and kisses were thrown around Parliament last night as MPs moved marriage equality in New Zealand one step closer to reality.
Live blog: Marriage equality
Join us as we follow tonight's online debate on Louisa Wall's marriage equality bill.
Quiz: Are you homophobic?
In a bid to combat homophobia, a new ad campaign has been launched in Quebec asking readers "How open are you?"
Special report: Gay marriage bill
After months of emotional submissions and some bitter protest, a bill to legalise same-sex marriage appears likely to pass another hurdle.
Norman Elliott: Consider children's rights too
The government administration select committee report to Parliament recommends the passing of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill with certain amendments.
Wall: Gay marriage bill will allow choice
A bill to legalise same-sex marriage would not force celebrants to marry gay couples if they didn't want to, its sponsor says.
Topp hits back over gay union
Entertainer Lynda Topp has married her partner Donna Luxton at their home in Staveley, in the foothills of the Southern Alps.
Stop the shouting and let love decide
The challenge for those in this discussion is to acknowledge and respect the values of others and to be courageous and generous in love, writes Russell Hoban.
Sam Clements: Churches have no right to dictate what happens in a secular society
Religion has always sought to manipulate and dictate the manner in which individuals live their lives, writes Sam Clements. The Marriage Equality Bill threatens many in the church.
Douglas Pratt: Better to celebrate our differences
There is a lot of hype surrounding the push for gay marriage in NZ, writes Douglas Pratt. Expectations of a momentous change are high.
Gay marriage bill: Committee approval
A Parliamentary Select Committee has recommended that a bill to legalise same-sex marriage be passed into law.
Gay marriage fans on top in objector's poll
The Family First lobby group has published a poll which finally concedes what all other polls in the past year have shown - that more New Zealanders now support gay marriage than oppose it.
Ron Hay: Momentous shift a loss for us all
The proposed redefinition of marriage now before Parliament seems to have produced two major responses, writes Ron Hay.