Good Taste: Barrel-fermented sav
You'll rarely hear "subtle" and "Marlborough sauvignon blanc" in the same sentence.
You'll rarely hear "subtle" and "Marlborough sauvignon blanc" in the same sentence.
Brown muscat and men called Keith share something in common - they don't sound very sexy. Nevertheless, I got hot under the collar about some new brown muscat plantings a few weeks ago.
Police and DOC investigations are continuing into the massacre of fur seals at Ohau Point, a popular seal viewing point 22km north of Kaikoura.
Christchurch's Boxing Day aftershocks and the recent wet weather have seen more than 1000 claims lodged with the Earthquake Commission.
Campers fled on foot in darkness at the Pelorus Bridge Camp today as a flood with enough power to lift caravans hit the idyllic holiday spot, 59km northwest of Blenheim.
The slaughter of 23 seals on the Kaikoura coast last week has prompted debate on whether seals need to be culled in the area.
When Blenheim couple Pat and Pam Heagney heard the jury verdict "guilty" in the High Court at Wellington this afternoon, they dissolved into loud sobs.