Latest fromMarketing
The nation's media from A to Z
From the safety of the silly season John Drinnan delivers his take on the state of the nation's media - from A to Z.
'P' letter stunt defended as shock tactic
The man behind a letter asking hundreds of recipients to try the drug P has defended the stunt, saying it was designed to shock people into action.
<i>Celebrating success:</i> That's so crazy it just might work ...
Here in New Zealand successful entrepreneurs have done well out of everything from public toilets to coffins and even a gas-powered hangi.
<i>Phil O'Reilly:</i> 'Clean and green' is a fantasy that sets us up to fail
Business NZ CEO Phil O'Reilly says there's more to like about NZ than the "clean and green" image.
<i>Celebrating success:</i> Dream believers find path to success
In the first of a four-part series, Diana Clement talks to entrepreneurs who have turned their dreams into business success.
NZ town named among world's top spots
A global travel magazine highlights Kaikoura as a place to have a whale of a time over Christmas.
Flight Centre warned over false adverts, hidden fees
Flight Centre's "Fly for free" promotion breached the Fair Trading Act by offering deals that didn't exist and tickets that weren't available.
All Blacks hit back at bottled water claims
Three top All Blacks are accused of collecting business contacts from associates in one company, then dumping them to set up a rival business.
Pay what you want, or in our case - nothing!
At the start of this year to stimulate some thoughts around marketing, I offered via my blog Pay What You Want marketing advice - a world first.
Telecom hit with $500,000 penalty
An industry watchdog says there are positive signs Telecom is trying to change its behaviour, despite its $500,000 fine yesterday.
Telecom fined $500,000 for misleading broadband ads
The Commerce Commission has made an example of Telecom.
Methven profits fall 15pc, shares rise
Bathroom products company Methven has reported a 15.4 per cent fall in half year net profit to $4.2 million, but the result is better than forecast.