Latest fromMarketing
Don't go banking on Goldstein's future
The future of bumbling New York banker Ira Goldstein - one of TV's most familiar faces - is uncertain, as ASB assesses his place in future campaigns.
Getting a handle on Kiwi 'pints'
While the British and Irish pride themselves on their precisely measured pints of beer, it seems you won't find the same consistency in NZ.
Tweenies turned off by 'gross' sexy images
"Tween" girls are making informed decisions about sexualised popular culture, a study finds.
How ad men tickle your tastebuds
The choices we make at the supermarket checkout are less down to personal taste than we might like to think.
<i>Tracey Barnett:</i> Mad Men boys' club fails to capture a female market
Tracey Banett writes that advertising by men won't work when women hold the purse strings.
<i>Media:</i> News half-hour an option for TVNZ
Pressure to shave millions from budgets is forcing TVNZ to consider some radical ideas, John Drinnan writes.
'British Classics' made with NZ meat
British food companies are selling products which contain meat from thousands of miles away but labelling them "British" or "traditional".
Spotlight on detox diet
The extreme Lemon Detox Diet, popularised by singer Beyonce, is under investigation in New Zealand for promoting dangerous weight loss.
Still building after all these years - UK Lego sales soar
Not every child in the world is obsessed with hi-tech games consoles to the exclusion of more traditional toys.
Air NZ wins marketing award
Air NZ and Progressive Enterprises took top honours in the Marketing Association's RSVP and Nexus Awards for response-driven marketing.
<i>Spy:</i> Hollywood heavyweights congratulate TVNZ
The creator of The Apprentice has given the NZ version a big thumbs-up, says gossip queen Rachel Glucina.
Telecom rivals move quickly to lure away XT users
Vodafone and Two Degrees are launching offers specifically for disgruntled Telecom users in light of recurring disruptions to the XT network.
Violent ads deemed a fashion faux pas
An Auckland fashion boutique has been blasted for its billboard ad campaign.