Latest fromMarketing
What's a gold medal worth for a Kiwi athlete? Up to $500,000
Gold on the podium can translate to gold in the bank account.
Super-size your urban ute: Why the farmers are right to point the finger
Aggressive marketing has driven the rise of the double-cab ute on NZ streets.
Fake influencer fame - how the internet makes talent irrelevant
What we say online has become our new reality, writes Damon Stapleton.
Beware the fortune tellers: An idiot's guide to using data in business
Clever deceptions can be hidden in things that seem complex, writes Kevin Jenkins.
Investing in art better than money in the bank
Charles Ninow, head of art at auction house Webb's talks about good investments.
Brand Bloomfield: T-shirts and earrings and now the perfume
Would you wear Eau de Ashley? The director general of health has inspired a perfume.
Paul Catmur: Why didn't that idiot boss promote me?
Being overlooked for a promotion feels a bit like being dumped.
Virgin Galactic plans to take a tourist to space every day. Here's what it could cost
There are high hopes for space tourism in the years to come.
Opinion: The ad agency is dead, long live the ad agency
Murray Streets wonders what the future holds for the advertising industry.
Ad agency Stanley St appoints CEO, poaches DDB talent
Three of NZ's four biggest creative agencies are now run by women.
Opinion: Will Apple's privacy moves hurt NZ businesses?
Customers are starting to become more concerned about their data.
Paul Catmur: Are you psychopathic enough to be an entrepreneur?
Running a business requires a unique approach to life, writes Paul Catmur.
Ben Kepes: The growing problem of copycat 'Kiwi' businesses
Ben Kepes sees a worrying trend in copycat brands popping up around the world.
Ben Kepes: Is it too easy for businesses to pretend they're Kiwi?
Ben Kepes wonders if it isn't time to keep a closer hold on the idea of being Kiwi.
Paul Catmur: What I learnt watching gamblers lose everything in a casino
Paul Catmur reflects on lessons he learnt working on the casino floor early in his career.
Fears tourism will die in Rotorua if housing crisis left to grow
Are visitors missing out on beds because the homeless are taking them?
Green companies must appeal to more than just the converted
Sustainable companies need to move from the fringe to the mainstream.
Should Westpac change its name? Marketing expert responds
Local arm should proceed with caution before dropping the red W, a marketing expert says.
Govt support for America's Cup depends on it being raced here, PM says
The world expo in Dubai scheduled for last year was postponed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
What businesses get wrong about digital advertising
The effectiveness of digital advertising is regularly over-estimated.
China Sports Industry Group: Team NZ's unfamiliar new sponsor
Who is Emirates Team New Zealand's latest sponsor?
Junk food companies accused of 'Covid-washing' during lockdown
Junk food companies have been accused of leveraging the pandemic to push their products.
Another big milestone for Hundertwasser Art Centre project
Trees are being lifted by crane to be planted atop the Hundertwasser Art Centre building.
Why sales leaders are feeling cautiously optimistic
But restricted budgets and supply chain issues remain a challenge.
Damien Venuto: Why the supposed war on barbecues was irresistibly seductive
Don't underestimate the power of repetition, writes Damien Venuto.
Privacy concerns: New high-tech billboard cameras snap car trips
New billboard cameras know when you pass them, how often and what vehicle you are driving.
Leigh Hart: A laugh over beer and chips
Comedian Leigh Hart talks through his journey to becoming a beer and chips magnate.
After Covid, we may never think of hotels the same way again
COMMENT: High-profile brands tarnished by Covid may have some serious rehab to do.
Fools or heroes? Director Lee Tamahori's epic Kiwi story told in 90 seconds
One of New Zealand's most celebrated directors has lent his craft to an odd medium.