Latest fromMarketing

Graham McGregor: What's your irresistible marketing magnet?
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on how to get ideal clients and customers coming to you.

Debbie Mayo-Smith:Old leads - new rewards
As sure as the clock ticks, we get a phone call every four or five months. He just says "Chimney Sweep".

Graham McGregor: Removing sales obstacles
Why removing even one sales obstacle can be a simple way to increase your sales.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Prospecting is not evil
I can't understand NZ business reticence to pick up the phone...

Graham McGregor: Marketing lessons from a taxi driver
Marketing Consultant Graham McGregor on how you can pick up great marketing ideas in unlikely places.

Graham McGregor: The power of first and last impressions
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on two key critical areas our customers judge us on.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Dialling delivers dollars
Looking for ideas to bring in more revenue? Call your old clients.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Persistency Pays. Heaps
Call it what you will. Persistency. Tenacity. Stick to it-ness. Very few businesses do it - or do it well.

Inside Money: Is fixed income fixed?
The fixed income market is now opening up further to the retail mums and dads ...

Graham McGregor: Help your customers get what they really want
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on why you should be a 'sales detective' and find out what your customers really want...