Latest fromMarine

Fishing: Current events
Study your tide times calendar and you should soon be getting some good results.

Leaked report blames Tongan government for ferry sinking
The sunken ferry Princess Ashika was known to be unseaworthy by the Tongan government, leaked reports claim.

Friends know where missing yachtie washed overboard
Friends of missing yachtie Paul van Rensburg accept he is dead and have called off the search.

Police: GPS could be key to unlocking 'ghost ship' mystery
Police say a GPS device could provide vital information about what happened to missing yachtie Paul van Rensburg.

Fishing: Getting on with it
Jo and Ron left Tuakau to meet their fishing club for a day out snapper fishing on the charter vessel Gulf Raider.

Missing yacht Tafadzwa seen drifting near Chathams
Missing yacht Tafadzwa has been spotted west of the Chatham Islands but with no sign of skipper Paul van Rensburg.

No sign of missing fisherman
Police are searching for a second man who is presumed drowned after a floundering expedition went tragically wrong.

Kaye says she discussed mining opposition with Key
The Prime Minister says he is not overly concerned by his Auckland Central MP's stance on mining on Great Barrier Island.

National MP to fight gulf mine plan
National MP Nikki Kaye has criticised Government plans to open Great Barrier Island to mining, as have mayors John Banks and Len Brown.