Latest fromMarine

'No alternative' to putting down whales
A decision to kill 48 pilot whales found stranded on Stewart Island had been difficult but there was no alternative, DoC says.

It's a wrap - luxury superyacht ready for refit
One of the world's biggest and most luxurious private sailing yachts, the Athena, was "shrink wrapped" in Westhaven marina yesterday.

Japan suspends Antarctic whale hunt - reports
The Japanese whaling fleet appears to have called an early end to its whaling season in Antarctica, a move which conservationists tentatively say could spell an end to whaling in the Southern Ocean.

Oysters being wiped out around the world
Enjoy your shucking while it lasts. Wild oysters are now "functionally extinct" in many places where they were once plentiful.

Pirates use tortured hostages as defence shield
Pirates operating off the coast of Somalia have begun to use aggressive new tactics including torture against captives.

Disgust at cruise ship's broken toilets
Broken toilets, faulty latches on cabin doors and leaky ceilings are among new complaints by passengers on the liner Pacific Pearl.