Latest fromMarine

NZ missing boat on cruises: expert
A cruise industry consultant says New Zealand risks missing out on most of the boom in the sector by not giving passengers what they want.

Lifesavers offered loan gear
West Auckland surf lifeguards, who did not know their quad bikes were stolen until they responded to an emergency call, have been offered replacements on loan.

Push for warning signs at Cape Kidnappers beach
A push is being made for Cape Kidnappers beach warning signs to be done in several languages in an attempt to avoid a repeat of a Friday night rescue from a beach isolated by the rising tide.

DoC seeks help spotting southern right whales
The Department of Conservation (DoC) is on the look-out again for migrating southern right whales and it wants your help.

Australia: Sydney seahorses
Female seahorses have got this pregnancy caper worked out. They place their eggs, sometimes hundreds or thousands, into a special pouch in the male's stomach and let him do all the hard work while they go about their business unencumbered by kids.

Diver almost drowns on Hertz mission
A Navy diver says he nearly drowned when his mask failed while he was deep in the sea to retrieve the plane wreckage in which 2degrees boss Eric Hertz and his wife died.

Yachties 'should have known better'
Authorities have blasted the actions of a group of yachties in Tauranga after a cargo ship had to take evasive action to avoid them.

Sea rescue mirrors 2010 incident
A fisherman rescued from his sinking boat on Friday had survived a similar incident three years ago.

Sam Judd: Delicious rubbish
Sam Judd checks out - a website devoted to finding a grateful home for what is otherwise considered waste from the sea.

Deep-sea law change debated
A controversial law change which would limit protest near deep-sea oil and gas operations has been debated for the first time in a heated Parliamentary session.

Sunny summer sees record rescues
One of the sunniest summers in more than 50 years saw almost 600 extra people rescued from NZ beaches during the patrol season compared to the year before.