Latest fromMaori

Fierce Gate Pa haka
New Zealand

Fierce Gate Pa haka

Gate Pa hill has this afternoon virtually been transported to a time 150 years ago when Maori warriors and British soldiers clashed in what was to become a historic event to form the creation of Tauranga city. Hundreds of Maori dressed in traditional gear and handling weapons of the time have come together to perform a powerful haka, in commemoration of the Battle of Gate Pa which happened on the same hill all those years ago.

He Korowai Trust - Heroes of the Far North
New Zealand

He Korowai Trust - Heroes of the Far North

He Korowai Trust are the heroes of the far North of New Zealand, a region experiencing economic crisis. Based in Kaitaia, their team saves at least one home a week from mortgagee sale. He Korowai client Rachel talks to us about her experience with the Trust, how they saved her home and helped her build a brighter future.

Allan Baldwin: Kuia with moko gallery
New Zealand

Allan Baldwin: Kuia with moko gallery

Hastings photographer Allan Baldwin has spent his life creating precious taonga -- over 1000 photographs of Maori kuia with moko. Here is a selection of the images. Images copyright Allan Baldwin.