Latest fromMaori party

Public face $1.6b pollution bill under ETS - Labour
The cost to taxpayers of the Government's ETS scheme could be four times more than predicted, says Phil Goff.

Business backs emissions plan changes
Business lobby groups welcomed proposed changes to the emissions trading scheme agreed by the Government and the Maori Party yesterday.

Amended emissions scheme 'could be law by December'
The Maori Party has come to the Government's aid to get a new emissions trading scheme (ETS) in place.

Carbon deal lifts taxpayers' bill
A Govt and the Maori Party deal on emissions trading legislation will halve the impact on power and petrol prices over the first two years of the scheme.

OECD child report 'a wake up call' - Turia
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia and Labour's Annette King are calling for action over a report slamming New Zealand's treatment of children.

Last two chances for Maori seats
PM rejects a last-ditch Maori Party bid to get the seats by making them a conscience vote issue.

Henare doesn't need to apologise for calling me a jerk-off: Hide
National's Tau Henare and Rodney Hide square off after Henare called Hide "a buffoon" and a "jerk-off", over the Maori Super City seat issue today.

Hide a 'buffoon' and 'jerk-off', says National's Henare
National MP Tau Henare slams Rodney Hide's approach to the Maori Super City seats issue.

Tribe considers second hikoi over Super City Maori seats
Ngati Whatua spokesman Ngarimu Blair says a second hikoi is being talked about.

Iwi: We'll boycott Super City advisory role
Tainui iwi say they will boycott any alternative, weaker role offered to them after the Government's decision to rule out Maori seats on Auckland's Super City council.

<i>Editorial:</i> Rejection of Maori seats a mistake
The Herald criticises the decision not to have Maori seats on the Super City council.

Wrong for Maori seats just in Auckland: Key
The Government doesn't believe two Maori seats on the Super City council will give Maori an effective voice. But John Key says other means of Maori representation are being considered.

National set to block Maori seats
The Cabinet is expected to reject Maori seats on the Auckland Super City council today.