Latest fromMaori party

Key steps in to save Hide's Act job
Rodney Hide survived moves to oust him as Act leader last month after the PM privately indicated National's deal with Act would be off.

No place for 'mean-spirited' opposition to flag - Harawira
Flying the Maori flag should be a cause for celebration, not mean-spirited opposition, says outspoken Maori Party MP Hone Harawira.

Lockwood Smith, PM top performers in pundit's rankings
Speaker Lockwood Smith has dethroned Prime Minister as 2009's top parliamentary performer, a newsletter claims.

Iwi may boycott Super City advisory board
Two iwi are considering boycotting a statutory Maori advisory board for the Auckland council.

Labour rethinking policy on giving iwi beach title
Phil Goff has indicated that Labour is backing away from its stance of allowing customary title of the foreshore and seabed to be awarded to iwi.

PM: Onus on Harawira to prove he means what he said
It's up to Hone Harawira to demonstrate he means his apology for "racist and offensive" behaviour, John Key says.

Mikaere welcomes Harawira apology
The man who received Hone's Harawira's racially charged email is pleased with the MP's second apology but is not expecting a personal "sorry".

Harawira apologises again, allowed to stay with party
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira has apologised again for comments made in an offensive email and is allowed to remain with the party following three weeks of debate over his future.