Latest fromMaori party

No open cast mining on conservation land - PM
There will be no open cast mining on Great Barrier Island or Coromandel, John Key assured Parliament today, while under attack over the Govt's mining plan.

Working with Nats is tough - Sharples
Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples says working with the Nats in govt is proving to be "very difficult and stressful", writes John Armstrong.

Remove tobacco from shops, says academic
An Auckland academic says smoking rates in New Zealand would plummet if tobacco products could not be displayed at shops.

MP in strife again
Controversial MP Hone Harawira has encouraged protesters to take "whatever action necessary" to make their voices heard - earning another stinging rebuke from party bosses.

Poll records growing support for Key
Public support for John Key as Prime Minister has never been so high, according to the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey.

Opposition would be hit if inmates denied vote, reform group says
Labour and Maori Party strongholds will be hit if prisoners are stopped from voting, a prison reform group says.

Outdoor smoking ban too 'nanny state' - PM
A proposal to ban smoking at beaches and other public places doesn't have the support of John Key, who thinks it is too "nanny state".