Latest fromMaori party

Man alleged to have threatened to kill John Key awaits verdict
A jury has been reassured about the state of mind of Mark Stafford Feary after it asked a question during verdict deliberations in court.

Minister unwilling to enter rugby race row
It is not up to the Minister of Sport to investigate allegations of racial team selection, says Murray McCully.

Maori Party to Haden: Cough up or step down
Rugby World Cup ambassador Andy Haden should reveal who told him about a cap on Polynesian players at the Crusaders, or resign, the Maori Party says.

Tuhoe veto followed parks advice
John Key says giving Te Urewera to Tuhoe could have opened the way for other iwi to put strong cases for ownership of national parks.

Tuhoe hold emergency talks over Key 'betrayal'
Tuhoe are holding emergency hui to discuss John Key's announcement that iwi ownership of the Urewera National Park is off the negotiating table.

Popularity fears cost Urewera settlement, says Tuhoe
Tuhoe representatives believe they had Cabinet numbers to secure ownership of Te Urewera National Park but say a nervous prime minister acting unilaterally stood in the way.

'No room for separatism in NZ,' says John Key
In defensive mode over National's Maori policy agenda, John Key says separatism has no place in New Zealand.

Tuhoe deal stalls over Urewera park return
National's stack of agreements with the Maori Party may spark Cabinet dissent.