Latest fromMaori party

Maori Party wavers in support for foreshore bill
The Maori Party has indicated it is rethinking its support of the new foreshore and seabed bill after pressure from Hone Harawira and Act.

Act foreshore move causes tension with Maori Party
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia is not guaranteeing her party's support for new foreshore legislation after moves to amend it to explicitly state iwi could not charge for access.

Scandals hurt Act in the polls
A new poll suggests the saga around David Garrett's false passport and Heather Roy's ousting as deputy leader have hit the Act Party hard.

Harawira: Few Maori will pass foreshore ownership threshold
Hone Harawira believes that 98pc of Maori will fail to meet the threshold to gain ownership of the foreshore and seabed under pending Govt legislation.

<i>Tariana Turia:</i> New bill reopens door to possibility of justice
Tariana Turia, co-leader of the Maori Party, writes about the foreshore and seabed debates and tides of change.

Harawira not voting for foreshore bill
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira won't be voting for the new foreshore and seabed legislation that his party fought for.

Minister weighs in to save gang pad
Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples has lent his support to save a Black Power stronghold.

Harawira responds to 'some boorish redneck'
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira says there is nothing wrong with his not feeling comfortable with the idea of his children dating Pakeha.

<i>Audrey Young:</i> Hone and the in-laws cont...
Hone Harawira being uncomfortable with Pakeha in-laws does not necessarily equate with feelings of contempt towards them or all Pakeha.