Latest fromMaori party

Harawira to force byelection
Maori MP Hone Harawira will kickstart his new party by forcing a byelection in his Te Tai Tokerau electorate. He will officially resign from Parliament by writing to the Speaker on Monday.

Independent MP Hone Harawira spent $43,000 on travel in three months
Harawira spent nearly as much as the entire Maori Party's bill of $44,410.

Brian Rudman: It's time to dust off the Messiah mantle
Don Brash's second Easter resurrection promises to ruffle a few feathers on the fringes.

Oil protester charged by police
The skipper of a protest boat who was arrested yesterday plans to fight claims he acted dangerously.

Jetstar takes cash but trip still up in air
A man who used Jetstar's online booking service had $500 taken from his bank account but failed to receive a booking confirmation or itinerary.

Protesters warned to stay clear or face jail
Protesters near the East Cape have been told not to get too close to oil survey ships, while Maori Party MP Te Ururoa Flavell has compared the deployment of navy personnel to the Libyan situation.

Maori Party rules out contesting Harawira seat
The Maori Party is ruling out standing against Hone Harawira in his Te Tai Tokerau electorate - for now.

<i>Brian Rudman:</i> Two Dollar Shop kitsch triumphs
It seems a bit one-eyed criticising Ngati Whatua for lack of taste when they come up with a plastic-coated "tupperwaka".

John Armstrong: Age of Austerity? We're still spending on plastic
So much for Bill English's much-heralded Age of Austerity.

Maori Party to review its non-aggression pact with Harawira
The Maori Party will review the non-aggression pact it made with its former member and Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira, after continued criticism by him of the party.

Marine bill win draws line in sand
Amid cries of racism and snipes between the Maori Party and its former colleague Hone Harawira, the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Bill was passed yesterday.

Parliament passes controversial bill
Legislation that repeals the Foreshore and Seabed Act and gives Maori the right to seek customary title to parts of the coastline has been passed into law after a passionate debate in Parliament.

Pet projects face cuts, Key warns
The Government's coalition partners have been warned their pet projects will not be exempt from the drive for savings in this year's Budget, with funding for the Act Party's taskforce and Maori Party's Whanau Ora scheme under review.

Tears as hikoi gathers at Parliament
A 300-strong hikoi marched on Parliament today to lay to rest the foreshore and seabed legislation and its replacement, along with the Maori Party logo.

Maori activist says foreshore hikoi an 'embarrassment'
A hikoi due to arrive at parliament today brings shame to Maori and leaders should call it off, a Ngapuhi activist says.