Latest fromMaori party

Minto could join Harawira's Mana Party
Left-wing activist John Minto has confirmed he is considering standing for Hone Harawira's Mana Party at this year's general election.

Paul Little: Harawira a welcome addition to political scene
"What has been missing until now is much serious discussion of what Harawira thinks and believes."

David Farrar: A battered budget
A combination of the global credit crisis, recession, finance company collapses and two quakes have produced arguably the worst fiscal situation since the 1930s...

Maori supporters threatened - claim
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia says some Maori Party supporters in Northland have received threats from supporters of Hone Harawira's Mana Party since it decided to stand a candidate against him.

Harawira takes on Maori Party
Mana Party leader Hone Harawira has threatened electoral war against the Maori Party.

Maori Party: 'We are not going into byelection to come second'
The Maori Party has announced it will stand a candidate against Hone...

Harawira bin Laden remarks go global
Hone Harawira's comments hailing Osama bin Laden as a "freedom fighter" have not gone unnoticed overseas.

Harawira compares Hide's demise to bin Laden's death
Hone Harawira has likened the passing of Osama bin Laden to the demise of Rodney Hide's political career in a statement.

Bin Laden a freedom fighter - Harawira
Hone Harawira has described Osama bin Laden as "a man who fought for the rights, the land and the freedom of his people".

<i>John Armstrong:</i> Maori Party should be wary of Hone's bait
Hone Harawira has laid the bait. The Maori Party toys with it at their peril, John Armstrong writes.

Harawira's resignation a 'stunt' - PM
PM John Key has criticised MP Hone Harawira for forcing a by-election in in Te Tai Tokerau.

Maori Party eyes taking on Harawira
The Maori Party is expected to decide within days whether it will challenge Hone Harawira in...