Latest fromMaori party

Act ad man quits after blasting 'apartheid'
The marketing guru behind controvesial new Act Party adverts has quit after he attacked "white cowards".

David Farrar: The might of Mana Maori
As we all know, Hone Harawira won the Te Tai Tokerau by-election. Unless he does something monumentally stupid, he should be back in Parliament after the general election also.

Harawira: Whanau told me to 'soften' my behaviour
New Mana Party MP Hone Harawira has pledged to "cool his heels" as he seeks to work with with the...

Labour 'dreaming' over Maori seats - Sharples
Labour leader Phil Goff says his party can win all seven Maori seats on the back of its strong Te Tai Tokerau by-election result - but Maori Party co-leader Pita Sharples says he's dreaming if he believes that.

It's crunch time for Hone
Voters in next Saurday's Te Tai Tokerau byelection will decide the future of Hone Harawira's political career.

Race unlikely to alter Labour's total
Party expected to keep number of MPs at 42 even if Davis wins byelection.